
  1. Please put all comments into the reply chain of this comment. Only submissions should be top-level replies.

  2. I mean, more power to the responders, but this prompt does feel kinda rapey

  3. This is what drives me fucking nuts these days. People are so married to the fantasy they sold us as little kiddies running around the elementary school playground that they get legitimately angry when you point out the obvious truth that our elections are just as fake as those in Russia or whatever “foreign regime” is this week’s famed dictatorship, and our CEOs and billionaires are the exact same kinds of oligarchs they have elsewhere.

  4. Hang on, that's not true. The close button does work. You just need to have the access key. It just isn't meant to work for the general public.

  5. Ignoring that ahistorical description, I have to ask: then what?

  6. And that's all well and good, but what then? We have at least a continuing resolution, if not a budget, and all the other boring hum drum annoyingly vital stuff congress does. And I for one don't want to risk Speaker Gym Jordan again.

  7. Honestly, it's getting really hard to care about Stopping The Bad Guys. I'd be more worried if we weren't already well into fascism

  8. "Jake was there. He's my cousin. He's cute. Kind of big. I mean if we werent cousins..."👀 💀

  9. There are barriers that cannot be overcome. Energy takes time to transfer through substances; if too much is added too quickly, it forces a reaction that breaks everything down to its constituent atoms - mostly various atoms and carbon. Add even more energy and even the carbon breaks down.

  10. It's called "the history they teach you in public school".

  11. That was the og premise of the show Supernatural and a substantial sub plot of American Gods by Neil Gamon.

  12. I thought Supernatural was based on final fantasy, in that they started by fighting basic monsters and ended with overthrowing god

  13. What…. No….hopefully it’s only cause she has a uncureable genetic disease that would be passed down to it so she think killing it will be kinder….

  14. I just want to say that I appreciate how much this commenter is getting dog-piled on. It fills me with hope for the future.

  15. My Lutheran brain got real confused at first glance

  16. Laughter echoed through the derrickson house the family was gathered around the coffee table in living room getting to know Alex Brandon's girlfriend. She's witty, smart, and you could say very talented. 

  17. You're missing a few quotation marks and commas, friend

  18. But you were incorrect. You can bask in the “bravery” of being openly wrong but stupidity is the status quo here so the punchline falls flat.

  19. “The U.S. position is that the Palestinian state should be based on bilateral agreements between the Israelis and Palestinians,” Gowan said. “It does not believe that the UN can create the state by fiat.”

  20. Why is the article writing about him like he just died?

  21. Bronson shook his hand. His arms and legs were tied and seperated so that he formed an unwilling X with his body.

  22. It seems like you ended with your beginning?

  23. So it can knock a train flying with a punch, but would die in a car accident?

  24. Just because a power-lifter can pull a train doesn't mean they can't die in a car crash.

  25. Kids know what gender they want to present as by age 8 at the latest

  26. I always wondered if the wife was trapped there too.

  27. I don't think so. I think Batman set it so that the guy would always loop back to that same moment, so the only way he'd be able to leave would be if he did something else. But he wouldn't, so he doesn't, so he's trapped.

  28. Welcome to the Prompt! All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.

  29. I thought it said "clown tits" at first and got really confused

  30. Finally! The last screw holding the lock in place gave it up. I am working on this lock for three days now, with a scrap of metal I found in the dirt of this cellar. I am now free!

  31. Perhaps, but yours is so full of wonderfully juicy details!

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