
  1. Yeah I love that style too! The first song coming to mind is “Sticking it to Myself” by Jonathan Coulton, but I’ll see if I can think of any others cause I know I’ve heard it a few times over the years

  2. If you want to play now you can play up to stormblood using just a subscription since you bought the game previously.

  3. I've always found that kinda weird tbh, really feels like buying the latest xpac should immediately unlock the earlier ones, so the buyer can actually experience the full story and be ready to start the xpac they just bought on release day.

  4. And he somehow managed a grammatical error in a two-word tweet. (You need a space on both sides of the emoji or neither, you cannot just put a space on one side.) It's the absolute least of his many crimes but it bothers me way more than it should

  5. I think it's the Isle of Palms. That yellow barrel with the painted palm tree at 0:39 looks like

  6. I feel like im about to see the pipeline from common people by pulp stuck in my head to common people by william shatner stuck in my head.

  7. When I get a song stuck in my head I queue it up on YouTube and play it on loop for literally hours while doing other things (with headphones, so as to not punish everyone in the vicinity!). At some point you cross this threshold where your brain finally gets tired of the song (it’ll take a while, especially with songs like Common People that have a couple different ‘phases’ they go through) and you kinda ‘get your brain back.’

  8. The one where Daniel Radcliff wakes up with pistols grafted to his hands 

  9. The reaction reminds me of the Simpson where they celebrate the inanimate carbon rod

  10. If I were that guy, the ball would forever hold a place of honor in my house

  11. I recall Silvia Stout who refused to take the garbage out

  12. Mine’s Barnabus Browning who was afraid of drowning, and he cried so many tears they filled up the room and he drowned

  13. I hadn't heard that, but again my respect for him is just going up. It makes sense, since he started young he'd want to take care of others who may find themselves in that situation.

  14. It blew my mind when I learned he was the little kid from The Music Man, that is a very old film and it shows just how long he's been in this game. Makes perfect sense he'd go to bat for a fellow child actor, and it's very heartening to see

  15. What killed the blue duelist? Some sort of bleed effect, or did he killbind?

  16. Nah, pretty sure he was just a jacked track laying machine

  17. he was like John Henry if John Henry didn’t die

  18. it LITERALLY got run over by a car at one point, and didn't miss a step

  19. I had this same TIL experience a week ago after watching

  20. "This is Vichy Wood's face before the play" is one of the most ominous things I've ever heard

  21. This makes a ton of sense. 

  22. I’m faceblind and I often miss ‘spooky faces’ in horror movies, like there’ll be a lightning strike on screen and everyone will jump except me because I didn’t register some facet of the environment had momentarily warped into a spooky face.

  23. I'm trying to look up flinta, it sounds like a german feminist or queer label that excludes male/amab people and men? is that right?

  24. I’m not the best to explain as I only just discovered it and was primarily researching to answer the same questions you had (so anyone can feel free to correct me if I misinterpreted), but I think transmen or non-cis amab are included, it’s literally everything that isn’t cis men

  25. It sounds like trans men and non-cis amab included on paper, but in practice, I'd be skeptical about the realities of such spaces.

  26. When I was like eight, I got a Sour Nerd Gumball as part of my halloween candy. I was so excited to eat it that I saved it for literally weeks, eating every single other piece of candy first, to have the best for last.

  27. I left a negative review specifically because of Sony choosing to sell the game for 4+ months in regions they know aren't supported by PSN, despite not being personally affected by it.

  28. I'm curious if this deluge of negative reviews will trip Steam's anti-review-bomb feature. Because unlike most of those (which happen within hours of the game's release by various people with barely any game time) these are from people with months of playtime and a ton of investment into a game. And there's arguably a case for Sony bait-and-switching a pre-existing product into something other than what it was, especially with multiple countries ineligible for PSN accounts who basically lost access to a game they paid for

  29. I misremembered this as a WKUK sketch

  30. The composition is reasonable with some nice contrasts of light and shape. Though maybe

  31. I've been on shitpost subreddits way too long, I was expecting a far more zoomed-in and questionable crop

  32. I watched the video without sound, upvoted, started watching the video with sound to see if we get to hear the dog, and quickly removed my upvote

  33. My coworker used software from a website called

  34. Yeah, my coworker found some software that solved it. Lemme shoot him a text and he’ll probably get back to me Monday morning, I can update here

  35. I don’t know if there’s a patch for it but I remember Far Cry 1 having a bug on modern systems where the AI could see and shoot through walls

  36. That would explain so much! It was insane, I wouldn't even know what killed me haha

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