
  1. And the song tho, it fits so well 😂

  2. Those zoms must be so happy that their food just fell from the sky 😂

  3. I agree, looking forward for more awesome updates. Thanks UL❤

  4. If I could mod on xbox, I would try it. I always wanted more challenging lethal.

  5. No, it doesn't, if you completely close the game.

  6. Welcome to hell op, losing survivor to blood ferals is just another tuesday to us. Lol

  7. It's in the closet option, you have to unlock it tho by scavenging.

  8. Ohhhh I got a sack of mystery meat from a community, thanked them and dropped it in the road. Feel I made the right decision.

  9. Same, i usually just sell them. No way i'm gonna let my people eat those.

  10. If you break down the sack of mystery meat, it usually reveals a wedding ring. So yeahhhh..

  11. Same here, Xbox 1 S. Often happens to me when I'm in Meagher Valley or Trumbull Valley. I don't have a problem with other maps tho.

  12. Bridge Fort, you only have to worry about 2 entrances.

  13. He tried to blackmail me. I didn't give in, fuck that guy.

  14. It's more like "Can The Mist survive Alex Mercer?"

  15. Looks so chaotic yet so funny, it's beautiful.

  16. When I tried The Division, first thing I thought was "Wow, this is almost like State of Decay New York without zombies." Just add some SoD stuff and we'd get the city map that fans always ask for.

  17. Really cute!!! Keep em coming op

  18. I feel getting rid of the two biggest narrative groups of the game would be a mistake if true.

  19. I agree, with that being said i don't believe in that rumor.

  20. Ah, the Japanese hat trick! Thanks for the heads up. I'll post an updated card in a month.

  21. I'm always impressed when the ones with no legs are up on the roof. Or the ones with no arms.

  22. "I was rold there'd be brains up here?!" They lied to me man, they lied to me! 😂

  23. I would be one of those pathetic enclaves that asks for help. Lol

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