
  1. I really don’t understand how anyone is having a hard time understanding people’s frustration and disappointment. It’s also been laid out repeatedly.

  2. It is contrived. All of it. Making a living off rehashed leftist politics is lucrative.

  3. I think you don’t know what parasocial means. You also have a parasocial relationship with them. Literally everyone on this sub does, all it means is that we have some type of relationship with them while they don’t know we exist.

  4. What’s dope about reddit is that it gives you this ability to keep scrolling if you’re shown something you have no interest in or prior knowledge about 🙏💯 I recommend it fr

  5. I think you’re missing the point a little bit.

  6. but what’s the point he’s trying to make? if he’s trying to say that colleges selectively enforce free speech rules, i really don’t think the best avenue is to compare completely different, very deliberately picked situations (different contexts, universities, and time periods) and say that they illustrate something about the culture at large.

  7. truly not looking to open a discourse about johnny depp and amber heard. just was absolutely shocked and really disappointed to see this from katelyn ohashi of all people, and wondering if anyone else who's looked up to her is having the same reaction

  8. their reaction to this has been so unfortunate and strange. ESPECIALLY in contrast to their swift responses to Ukraine. i appreciate how eliza has been speaking out against the terror israel is raining down on Palestine but julia, offering vague platitudes and telling people to watch the news and think about stuff is simply not enough in this time. there is no room for both side-isms. i’m not comfortable listening to this show without decisive condemnation of the state of israel from both of them.

  9. i was also disappointed with the comment about watching the news - obviously social media has been a source of mis/disinformation, but mainstream news sources (particularly in the US) have also been deeply unethical and skewed toward israel in their reporting

  10. since when did gw housing run a luxury apartment?

  11. its gw-sponsored off campus housing. rent is over 3k a month for a 1 bedroom 1 bathroom, utilities not included. insane.

  12. considering those are luxury apartments, i think very few people have experience living in them lmao

  13. yeah, this was disappointing. i feel like so much was left out of this conversation. they seemed to kind of go back and forth repeating each other instead of challenging each other and elevating the conversation to include the structural and institutional elements of pornography as an industry.

  14. not a gym but lspa classes are good for getting exercise in and they’re free which is fun

  15. there’s still a decent amount of people on the housing waitlist. at this point there’s nothing any individual can really do to make them take you off of it, unfortunately it just seems like you have to sit and wait.

  16. there's a facebook page called gw yard sale where people get rid of/sell their extra stuff for cheap

  17. I’ve just listened to this one. It’s really good. After some of the detracting comments here I expected it to be really cringe.

  18. in my interpretation, the biggest issue with the episode is the sentiment of “offense (as in being offended) isn’t linked to violence”. i forget who said it or what exactly they said, but it was something along those lines.

  19. as a longtime fan, i found this one confusing. i feel like the “cancel culture” they were referring to doesn’t really exist..? ive never heard/heard of anyone saying that supporting free speech means you want to say terrible things. idk. was kinda confused on the situations they’re referencing

  20. i feel like there's such a glorification of being a lawyer in the media, like in so many tv shows they're portrayed as rich, powerful, and smart (literally the entire basis of law & order lol). which isn't to say that they're not, but the system is more complicated than that

  21. i think it depends on the damage specifically. even if you email the cc or submit a fix it they can still charge you. best advice is probably try and paint it over with nail polish or other home remedies if you can

  22. To piggy back off of this— if you don’t want to party, is there enough to do in the city?

  23. yeah for sure, you just have to be willing to find stuff on your own and travel off campus for stuff

  24. its supposed to be today in the afternoon but a lot of people have reported the website being down/other issues so might be delayed or just generally messed up

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