
  1. It’s IVP now but yes you should ask for that. And ask for the specifically “physical scans”

  2. Wow. Right in front of my face! If it was a snake it would’ve—

  3. The novel was sold in chapter books at one point. And I got all of them including the one entitled, "The Bad Death of Eduard Delacroix". 😲😬🤬

  4. Also fuck that actor. He was just as evil in real life as he was in the film…

  5. Look on Goldstar for events that you might like in your area at a discount.

  6. I consider myself somewhat confident, but not because I know myself to be perfect, but because I have accepted my faults and know how to use them to an advantage when I need to. I don’t often feel the need to call someone out if they are bad mouthing me, especially behind my back. I talk shit quite often about people behind their backs, as most of us do.

  7. If you are in the fast lane and there is no one in front of you, there should be no one behind you. If there is, get out of the way.

  8. We should replace the board with automation that way they wouldn’t need those giant paychecks and bonuses to run the company.

  9. Sometimes the centers dont actually own the land, just the building. They may not actually have the power to fix them if so. But they should be putting pressure on whoever does own the land to fix it regardless

  10. Where even is the button? There is a compass icon, yes, but I don't see a button to have it always follow the car direction.

  11. As a historian and a Christian, if you wanted me to name every single one, we’re gonna be here a while

  12. Clearly you cant flow instructions then, she only wanted a single one not EVERY single one

  13. Is there any chance the design artist really liked Racer 5 beer? The logo is… impressively similar

  14. I ended up deleting and reinstalling the game. No more issues and all my data was intact.

  15. If anyone is having problems with tv shows not updating. Try downloading Scrubs v2 Addon. It is the only one that seems to work for me.

  16. Its the only way to write without releasing the spray cap. This will be the only way cursive survives

  17. That was a phenomenal episode! Probably my favourite of the season, closely followed by episode 6.

  18. As for the phone call… I am really hoping I’m wrong but I feel like we got a fantastic Tony Shaloub scene for a big reason. And if I’m not mistaken we saw plenty of Rose don’t see him in any of the future scenes, right…?

  19. He definitely survives, he’s at the wedding in 1973.

  20. Dude for fuckin real this pic looks SO much worse at first glance

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