
  1. Now it's pretty easy to observe how it declined in complexity, back to the pre-Renaissance times.

  2. They're saying your sense of humor is boring and you have trouble communicating with girls because you spend a lot of time on the internet

  3. Thanks for the kind words but what do you mean brother, I have never been better Alhamdulillah

  4. "I prayed for something that would contradict free will, so God no exist, I am intelligenz

  5. Praise Allah, Islam will soon be a dominant force in Western Europe, Inshallah.

  6. Based brother, if there is gonna be downvotes, we shall both sink in that hole with our pride

  7. Ask your mother again about this specific situation, if she doesn't change her mind you cannot go against her rules if you are using her car

  8. Why on Earth would it not be halal? We're forbidden from that which has been slaughtered other than in the name of Allah SWT. Lab grown meat hasn't been slaughtered, so doesn't fall under that prohibition. I'll eagerly eat it once it becomes commercially available.

  9. I think how they make them is, the first cells are from a slaughtered cow, or a piece of cow that is left alive, these cells are given the humidity, necessary molecules (Glucose and such) and then passen through hundreds of mitosis. If the slaughter is halal , then I guess it can be halal but wasn't a piece of an alive animal haram?

  10. We should also hate Russia, but they are for our benefit as they keep the attention away from us and also is against the western bags

  11. Not to mention isis is different from Muslim, it’s like saying all Germans are natziz

  12. He wrote “everywear” instead of everywhere, which shows how smart he is 💀

  13. Claims to be a "she", mind your language you misogynistic backwards fruitcake

  14. I can't decide if you're being sarcastic or just plain stupid woke ?

  15. Well your primary argument against a religion being a sociological argument shows you how woke you are

  16. I love that piece its so funny but like.. Why he insinuating that mozart good in the sheets dawg 💀

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