
  1. Imagine you start a new game on Build 42, excited to see animals for the first time.

  2. Izzy dick riders try not to cry challenge: physically impossible

  3. He beat that guy one time and it stays more significant in your head than any Alex win

  4. I physically can't handle the Murr punishment where they stick a tube in him and send him down a zipline. Even typing this comment makes me recoil.

  5. I wonder if Alex knows a big percentage of his fanbase will forever tie his legacy to Adesanya.

  6. I swear this gets posted like at least 3 times a week. The hate boner for izzy is wild

  7. Dead ass, these people don't realise that Pereira quite literally would post memes about beating Adesanya after every Izzy win for years. Adesanya was right to call him out on it.

  8. No doubt her kids will get older and regret that they actually used the media to attack their own mother. You'd think they'd realise how insane that is to do to a famous person.

  9. Used his jab hand as a range finder/feint/parry. Once hill thought every left hand movement was a small wave, hit him with a check hook from hell. Levels.

  10. why am i seeing ufc on the impractical jokers subreddit

  11. Because Kayla threw Murr through a table. They are friends from college though, so it's all good.

  12. Why is the news post saying "caught on CCTV" like something groundbreaking just happened?

  13. Are you going to tell me that they are also secret agents that wear fedoras, and beat bad guys?

  14. One of them is going to sculpt a penis and the other two are Amanda & Chance.

  15. Bold of you to assume Chance isn't going to be the first one to sculpt a penis.

  16. Lol. Watch the first scene of their "every couple ever" video and it will BLOW YOUR MIND!!!

  17. If you play as Scratched Mirror Myers, you can see them moving perfectly away from your movements even when there is no line of sight.

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