
  1. Women have benefited by having the right to abortion taken away? Are you being sarcastic and I missed it?

  2. It could be said that the damage to certain causes has woken some people the hell up, and maybe there'll be a reckoning because of that which will lead to, for example, abortion being more accessible than it was before. But I'm not seeing it so far. I was hoping for a massive backlash to Dobbs, but it just moved the needle a bit. The usual people just shrugged and went back to sleep. If they're not actively carrying an unwanted pregnancy, they don't care.

  3. It is the original of the timelines associated with the Cell arc.

  4. Right. It does get a little confusing since ALL the timelines have been altered by at least one time traveler. But this timeline was altered by Trunks bringing back the remote instead of diverting the flow of past events, which only creates new timelines rather changing existing ones.

  5. Honestly, contact the police too. They need to secure that man’s hard drive

  6. I'd think there's at least probable cause to subpoena his phone records, see if he's asked for worse than kids in bathing suits.

  7. He did in this fantasy but he also said "Buffy" when it happened so really weird.

  8. 1815-1915, Boston, Massachusetts. Arrive after the War of 1812, out of the way of any major Civil War battles, gone before the Spanish Flu.

  9. As far as avoiding war, there wasn't anything going on in Boston during the War of 1812 AFAIK. Their economy did suffer from a lack of trade, but no battles were fought there. Arrive after the American Revolution and you're good.

  10. Why dissolve them? They’re basically his stooges right now.

  11. They didn't overturn the results of the last election for him. Which gives me some hope regarding the immunity case.

  12. Supreme Court Justice is a lifetime position or until they willingly step down/retire. The current bench is pretty young. It is unlikely that Biden will get to replace any.

  13. Thomas has been on the court longest, and he's only 75. I mean, that's old, but not necessarily on death's door. Reagan continues to haunt us.

  14. Absolutely - it was either Tara or Buffy. I also think that alchemically the blood of a fawn was not nearly a decent match to the life of a slayer. Willow tried to cheat Osiris.

  15. I don't think it was intended as a straight trade. If it wasn't an acceptable offering, Osiris wouldn't have accepted it. He brought Buffy back even though the Scoobies didn't complete the ritual.

  16. https://buffy.fandom.com/wiki/Tara_Maclay#cite_ref-:4_21-1

  17. I read that comic. But she didn't say it was like a cosmic trade thing. I think it's more about the fact that Buffy's life was always going to be full of danger, and by bringing her back, Willow also brought that danger back into their lives, and Tara ultimately died at the hands of someone who had a beef with the Slayer.

  18. Goku IT'd to earth and killed them on earth, not on their ship.

  19. Wouldn't make sense otherwise. Goku was waiting until he had no choice. He was getting ready to teleport to Earth when he sensed Trunks confronting Frieza and Cold. No Trunks, and he's still waiting as long as possible.

  20. Take the $20 million. Invest until I'm positive $2+ million from the original $20 million, then pay for the cure. Live the rest of my life with that $2+ million.

  21. I agreed with everything you wrote until the last two words. Smart people don’t play the lottery…and I’m saying that as someone who plays the lottery.

  22. Smart people play...if they're very desperate for the tiniest speck of hope.

  23. They keep telling us that he's an environmental lawyer....but he's also a die hard captialist from an oligarch family. 

  24. True that. You can't look closely at the damage that has been done to the environment and not realize the role capitalism has played. So much of it comes down to polluting our air, land, and water because it's "cheaper"...in the way that throwing your trash into your neighbor's yard is cheaper.

  25. Yeah, my boomer parents were young children when JFK was assassinated. He's just a long-ago piece of history to me, and I'm 40.

  26. It has nothing to do with me being a man, at least not directly. I have come to see my birthday and the high holidays as days of pain, and am unable to derive happiness from them.

  27. a quick rant, I think they should have killed Oz instead. This isn’t just my crazy theory, it was the original plan. Oz ended up leaving a season later anyway plus Oz didn’t have that much character potential. He was so monotone and sarcastic which is funny and cute at first, but if he stayed like that for the whole show it would be boring and if he changed then it wouldn’t really feel like Oz anymore because it’s such a defining character trait. Jenny had enough personality to be liked but still had a lot of space to grow and become even more of character. She had so much potential, especially as one of few adult characters. I realize the show is about teens, but there could have been a wedding or kids and more to explore. In general I really loved Jenny and I think it would have been really cool to keep her around a little longer. I do think she should have died in the end either way but that’s just cause I like tragedy.

  28. But with a perfect personality, you could give yourself the perfect body with time.

  29. It's not that I think my personality couldn't be better, but I don't want my brain rewired to improve my life. My body, OTOH, I have a more utilitarian view of. It's a tool to serve my needs, and I'd like a better tool.

  30. So Buffy was trying to explain to Willow that a Slayer is not a killer. Faith still needed to learn that lesson.

  31. Faith had learned that lesson, it's why she turned herself in and confessed to her crimes.

  32. The final is going to be Buffy and Spike vs Willow and Tara isn't it.

  33. There are certain techniques you can use to maximize your ability to learn and remember things, but you're still limited by your natural talent.

  34. Except that is how Robin joined the group. Ted has been doing that since before the group existed and that is how the group was formed so it is expected behavior from him.

  35. But they weren't dating when she became part of the group. He screwed up by dropping the L-word on their first date, and they didn't actually get together until she'd already become friends with the others.

  36. Tien killed himself, and the Saibaman didn't work for Freeza

  37. If Vegeta and Nappa could still be considered Frieza's men at that point, the Saibamen were either their tools or their subordinates in the organization.

  38. Lorelai refused to marry him so he decided not to be involved in his infant daughter's life. You're totally right, he wanted them to be together and to raise Rory together and he refused to bend on the "together" part even when Lorelai clearly wanted different. Since he couldn't have exactly what he wanted on his terms, he left. That's abandonment.

  39. Was it even clear that Lorelai at the time didn't want to be in a relationship with him? She understandably balked at getting married at 16, but she might have still wanted to be his girlfriend.

  40. But IIRC, Lorelai apologizes for saying that right away. In this case though, Sookie starts worrying about a potential Jackson love child and not taking Lorelai seriously at all. I agree with your point overall.

  41. I do like that Sookie took that remark and turned it into a growing moment for herself by asking Jackson out.

  42. That's standard. Elective "late-term abortions" aren't a thing. Obama was never coming for their guns. They are, in fact, allowed to pray in public school and always have been. They rail against made-up boogeymen because that's what gets the herd worked up.

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