
  1. If you look back from super, if he wasn't using kioken he wasn't really going all out.

  2. in Super he literally explains why and how he could never use Kaioken with Super Saiyan. So him not using it doesnt mean he wasnt going all out. if he tried he'd instantly die.

  3. It's used vs Pikkon though in DBZ, so it sounds like convenient plot armour really.

  4. Pikkon and the entire segment of story about Goku between Cell and Buu never happened in the manga. Its non-canon anime filler. It never happened and in Super he explains why it never could have. No "convenient plot armor" at all. SSj + Kaioken = instant death.

  5. "SSj3 Goku is massively weaker than SSj3 Gotenks who is much weaker than Ultimate Gohan in the Buu arc. You don't get Zenkais from being dead. Goku was never near death in the arc, so he didnt get any and even if he had, zenkais do basically nothing after SSj1 is unlocked according to the author of the series. So no, not even remotely true."

  6. "idk wtf you are even saying here. Yes he was dead and given temporary leave on earth. You CAN die while dead, and he never came close to dying, so no near death power boost. Goku was not relative to SSj3 Gotenks or Gohan (which is what you did say) and he did not get any Zenkais (and if he had they'd have done next to nothing). There was nothing bad faith about my response and it directly addressed what you said."

  7. Gero's supercomputer built Cell. he didnt monitor it. it gather that stuff for Cell. Gero stopped spying on Goku after his battle with Vegeta, which is why he didnt know about Super Saiyan.

  8. its all made up, by the author. its the authors story. what happened in the story is what he said happened. he didn't put this in the story so it didn't happen, in the story. this isn't complicated, don't be willfully obtuse.

  9. It happened in the only format i care about so it happened for me.

  10. DB is Toriyama's story, what he says is all that happened. what you care about isn't relevant. its his story, not yours.

  11. Just because people like a thing doesn't mean it's overhyped or overrated. People prefer the characterization of Future Gohan to other iterations of Adult Gohan pre-DBS Super Hero.

  12. Nah Bardock holds that distinction, Future Gohan is definitely #2 though!

  13. it wont. its been almost 6 years. accept the truth, it will set you free.

  14. ginyu is very strong and very useful and always respectful and gets his jobs done. Ginyu is one of Freezas few soldiers who obeys out of pure trust and admiration rather than fear. So I think Freeza respects him as well.

  15. you'd think, but it works a little differently than just a power boost. remember, its an energy multiplier, meaning regardless of how strong you are it'll be equally difficult at all stages. its its own technique that requires a lot of practice. the only people we've seen use it are Goku and Chi Chi (which it makes a lot of sense that Chi chi could do it too if goku can since they're married and what not).

  16. ChiChi never used it. The scene youre thinking of is anime filler, and thats not Kaioken. She doesnt know and cant use Kaioken.

  17. really? even in Kai? cant say thats my experience and in fact ive heard some people think it goes too fast.

  18. i never said i agreed with it, i think those people are being silly, but i have actually seen people say that Kai's pacing was too fast. lol its still slower than the manga and the manga's pacing is the intended pacing, so imo, even as someone who doesnt really read manga, something cant be "too fast" when its not faster paced than the manga its based on.

  19. i was shocked it hadnt been made already tbh.

  20. The real question is how old was 18 during the Android saga? Because Krillin was definitely 30 years old at least…

  21. you dont need to simp for her, to know shes above Cabba who was roughly on par with Vegeta who effortlessly stomps SSj3 Gotenks, so she would do so too.

  22. Current Gotenks one shots her because Goten and Trunks can one-shot her.

  23. It starts getting really good around .01 seconds into episode 1.

  24. the DBS: Super Hero movie takes place 1 year before "End of Z". End of Z is the period at the end of the manga and DBZ anime thats 10 years after Buu. Super takes place during that 10 year time skip between Buu and End of Z, and DBS: Super Hero is 9 years after Buu, or 1 year before End of Z.

  25. You dont get a "near death" power boost from dying, even if youre brought back. He'd be no stronger than he was when he died, and be useless and just die again.

  26. Yeah, that's my head canon too, they cut the tail off when they were born.

  27. they explicitly did not. none of them were born with tails, except gohan, canonically.

  28. it has nothing to do with being an adult. Vegeta expected his to come back even though he's an adult, and Gohans stopped coming back when he was still very much a kid. Its canonically about power level. once theyre strong enough it wont grow back, author said so.

  29. Shin is always wrong about literally everything, and the more sure he is that its correct the more sure you can be that its not. He's so reliably unreliable it's patently absurd.

  30. no, youre not. that would be awesome. or a plushie...or a beanbag chair....

  31. A beanbag chair of Janemba would be friggin awesome. I miss being able to play this form of Janemba back in the older games

  32. was it playable in any of them except BT3? i dont remember. its likely gonna be playable again in Sparking! Zero which is BT4.

  33. SSj1 Future Trunks vs Super 13, like from the movie? we know Trunks from that point in time gets stomped, so idk what you mean. You would have to elaborate more on which Future Trunks you mean, and what you mean by "fusion android 13".

  34. I'm gonna assume the "fusion" means when 13 absorbs the other two androids.

  35. yeah that was my assumption as well, but i wanted to clarify because...Trunks is in that movie, so we know how he stacks I feel like maybe OP meant something else? maybe some heroes nonsense?

  36. DBS is set between the aftermath of the Buu Saga and the "End of Z" epilogue. Battle of God was more or less 6 months after Kid Buu's defeat, and Super Heroes is, I think, something like 1 year before the epilogue.

  37. Why did I think BoG was only half a year after Buu? 😅 Like generally was there anything mentioned about anything that happed about 6 months before BoG?

  38. Youre not alone a lot of people are confused because the story doesnt go out of its way to explain when things are happening. I dont think the movie explicitly did either, you had to read like promotional info about it to know when its set, and Super just acts like everyone already knows this.

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