
  1. I've been playing some dawn of war last stand and was just thinking about how it'd be cool if Hots had a pve mode

  2. Yeah I've been burning through the ones I have knowing I won't ever use it again

  3. Agreed. BHVR has a bad habit of overcorrecting the mistakes they make.

  4. I still can't believe they buffed it by 2 percent, and then proceeded to gut it to the worst state its ever been in for no reason.

  5. Not at all lmao. Fighting game subreddits would call you a scrub for d/cing. In fact, most won't forget that *you* d/ced and you'll be laughed at by the community.

  6. Yeah not sure what they were cooking with that comment. The FGC loves to roast scrub quotes.

  7. I am devastated that they nerfed Silencing cloth, it really made it feel like Charlotte had her own gimmick when Victor wasn't actively being used.


  9. To play devils advocate, you wont be getting hit by every one of those drones because of the invulnerability timer

  10. Average dbd redditor when someone makes an asymmetrical post about the asymmetrical game (this is unprecedented)

  11. Haven't had it myself but Bella Cucina has it on the menu. While you're there grab yourself some pizza, some of the best in town.

  12. The dried horsemeat addon makes the Assassin a guaranteed hit when holding W

  13. the counter would be hugging map geometry to take advantage of the fact they don't path optimally around terrain, or take a window vault at some point which usually gives enough distance, or fake vault tech

  14. If it’s only the knight sure, but his little minions have no collision so you can’t mind game at all. You just have to run and hope you started far enough ahead to outrun them.

  15. It requires synergy. But that's OK, some perks can be like that.

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