
  1. Impression we got was that there is plenty of momentum behind continuing to expand the regional content. Gareth hinted that next project will be more adventure-based rather than area sandbox, and will be set 'further south'. Speaks about that and later on in the episode.

  2. Thanks! I can't listen to the episode now so I was very curious.

  3. Yeah that would be really cool, scope for very different styles of play too, different kinds of landscapes to explore.

  4. Fantastic! I had fallen off of checking for new content a while back, but thank you for reminding me, I will be sure to listen to them ASAP! Just so you know, you're not currently available in the iTunes US store :( :(

  5. Hey! Apologies, I missed responding to this. Are you still having trouble accessing the pod on iTunes US? Cheers

  6. You guys make excellent content, I look forward to each episode. Keep up the good work!

  7. Thank you! We look forward to recording them and have plenty more to come.

  8. Thank you for your message - got sorted and have a nice new copy of a starter set in front of me.

  9. [TTRPGs / RPGs / Adventures in Middle Earth / Tolkien / DnD] The Fellowship Phase |

  10. Very much appreciate the work. It’s an instant-listen as soon as a new episode is published.

  11. That's so great to hear, thank you. We'll keep plugging away!

  12. Two features of the Gulthias tree are regeneration and evil. Now, this is a bit of a stretch because a Blood Hunter does not take on the nature of an apple by drinking apple juice. But, this is Barovia, so perhaps our Owlfolk heals damage in a differing fashion moving forward. The lost feathers are replaced with shriveled dry brown leaves, the wound on the leg is now replaced with bark instead of skin. You can flavor some of the other abilities in a similar fashion. The evil is a bit more tricky since you don't want to crush player agency. But when faced with a moral dilemma the blood hunter could do a little die roll to see if the Guthias tree influences his thinking.

  13. Really like these flavour suggestions, and knowing the player, I think they will really lean into it. Fits with an idea of encroaching corruption the longer they are in Barovia.

  14. Guys, I hope you keep this series going, I really enjoy the content!

  15. Thank you, that's kind of you to say! Any thoughts on future topics please do just drop us an email/comment.

  16. Listened to the first two episodes. Very good. You don’t focus on the rules in excruciating detail but highlight the differences between AiME and regular 5e, the specific rules which align it with Tolkien’s writing, and how to run a good game!

  17. That's kind of you to say, thanks for the feedback! We certainly don't know everything, but we've learned a lot and just wanted to share and have fun.

  18. Have him send a manservant disguised as Vasili. In my campaign, I have Cyrus Bellview as Vasilli's "Renfield." He is human (like the pre-5E version of Cyrus) not a mongrelfolk and has been charmed for so long that he no longer has a will of his own. He keeps Vasili's house and affairs in order for Strahd to keep up appearances in Vallaki.

  19. I like it - I think sending one of his entourage in disguise is the best bet. I'm thinking Rahadin would work well, though I like the idea of the Renfield-esque servant.

  20. Have him use his charm ability or some other mental control ability on Father Lucian to force him to “graciously decline” hosting the meetings at the church. Saying it makes him feel like he is in charge of the meetings, seating above the others on the council, or that the church is for acts of faith not politics.

  21. This is an elegant idea, I suppose the risk for Strahd is charm fails and he's stuck on the doorstep without many options. But I like the idea of the father's change of position - they have bonded with him and it would throw them off.

  22. MIX and modes of transportation. name a more iconic duo

  23. Great map. Will probably use in a Cinematic Scenario soon. Can I ask - the lifts, does that mean the station is on three levels, one in the bottom left, another top right and one larger in the middle?

  24. Got it! That's helpful, thank you. Excited to write a scenario around this map. Great work.

  25. Small nitpick: The 2016 release is commonly referred to as BB2016, not BB16. That would be slightly confusing.

  26. Thank you for the clarification. Didn't mean to imply there wasn't already great work being done.

  27. Great article! I’m looking to switch jobs after lock down so whether or not to include it in interviews has always been a question.

  28. I hope it works out for you. Best advice would be arm yourself with the facts and basics of the legislation. The law is on your side. The unions and charities can be helpful.

  29. Great article. You’re experience sounds similar to my daughters. So many misconceptions surrounding epilepsy. Thank you for sharing.

  30. There really are so many misconceptions. Hopefully this week people can learn a bit more about epilepsy.

  31. Keep it with you always and use it as the ultimate 'in case of emergency' device. About to get hit by a bus? FREEZE TIME. Find a serial killer in the house? FREEZE TIME.

  32. I've never even owned a kettle my entire life

  33. A British house could not function without a kettle. It's just a given.

  34. Oberyn and Tyrion in the dungeon. Loaded with great lines. - "That's not a monster...that's just a baby." / "If you want justice, you've come to the wrong place." / "I will be your champion."

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