
  1. Idk, my cpu is over 7 years old and it’s still going… for now. (i7 7700k)

  2. I reckon my 10700k has many, many, many years of gaming and photo editing in it. Need to upgrade to 32 GB or 64 GB RAM relatively soon'ish though

  3. They don't want to pay increased compensation for holiday or sunday work, and you work in a low-wage sector? start looking for a new job ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

  4. This sounds like that you will like what we call computer and airplane in Finnish.

  5. In modern language it could probably be more accurate to translate it as information machine, but where is the fun in that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

  6. I have an excel that calculates 3 suggestions for main battery caliber in half inch increments for every class I build. And another to calculate hypothetical performance indexes for said suggestions.

  7. "It all started in Crusader Kings III, when I, as as the Chieftain Koshel of Moskva, waged a subjucation war against the Khagnate of Khazaria..."

  8. Especially in the summertime, when we have dinner at our grandparents, the very first appetizer is chilled Minttuviina shot (negative 18 celsius chilled).

  9. Do 3 free online tests, deduct 10-20 points of the average results and you get an approximation of your IQ. Maybe calculate standard deviation and double that and you'll have a probable range. Or check mensa website for their paid tests.

  10. I have a throbber but thanks to anxiety depression and laziness have not done anything earth shattering. It just meant school was super easy and … I get migraines? Great super power !

  11. Social anxiety disorder, Persistent depressive disorder, and a plethora of neurodivergent traits. Yay. But still, I wouldn't take a brain with lower IQ in exchange for more successful life or career. Strange.

  12. Serotonin. A sense of achievement. Fun. Decisions on where to spend. Two days is long for some people. Consciously limiting your behaviour can be taxing. Progression is part of the learning curve.

  13. Paah says:

    Here in Finland the military has always been preparing against the "Yellow State". Though after the Ukraine war started they just say Russia now.

  14. Yup. Somehow the Yellow State always advanced from the east. Go figure.

  15. Yeah but power as in a political entity, so realm or state is still accurate, no?

  16. e.g. Tasavalta = republic. Tasa = equal, uniform, level etc. In these cases "valta" can be understood as "valtio", which means nation. Like Suurvalta = great nation, great power.

  17. I expected at least an explosion or some Lovecraftian horror to manifest itself

  18. I had to scroll so far to find this comment to upvote...

  19. Free game with free dlc ? (Singing) "In a world, of your imagination."

  20. Free game + Free DLC + Multiplayer = Microtransactions + Pay-to-Win

  21. Me too, some of us get bored of the unending gossip/small talk cycle.

  22. But did you learn yet that "hän" is actually only used for pets and people are "se"?

  23. Also, babies are often referred to as "hän", even when the person in question refers to everyone else as "se". Somehow this irritates me greatly.

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