
  1. Looks like a death grips music video. Cool as hell dude

  2. This is great. Glad I watched it. I did get a weird feeling while watching it that I can’t quite describe. Well done.

  3. glad you enjoyed it! i tried to represent an unstable mindset in the film as accurately as i could. gives me goosebumps

  4. You really want people to enjoy this since you’ve posted it over and over. Waste of time bro

  5. i appreciate all of the advice in the comments here, alot of really good pointers. thanks fellas

  6. 0 power in your punches. The bag is winning. All seriousness join a gym and look at videos on YouTube. If you can’t afford it, ask if they can let you train by doing work around the gym. Get wraps and gloves too, you will hurt yourself if you keep bare knuckling it.

  7. do you have any tips on how to improve the power of the punches? i used to try shadow boxing with light weights and i dont think it really did much

  8. i've been having issues where when people play it shows them as not making a move, and folding after their time expires. very strange and no fix possible for us, we've tried everything.

  9. i actually think this is a great idea, lets say you are famous/high profile and need to get somewhere safely, this would be much better than an uber/lyft

  10. its not him being over protective. it seems clear to me you dont have a father figure in your life, and were raised in a way to interpret what men say in a biased and innapropriate manner. take a step back and look at what your saying. its just a man, whos marrying this girls mother who has another father, and making her feel included in the ceremony and showing how dedicated he is to that family. he's showing that he's not going anywhere unlike her other father figure who took off on her. fuck there's always people like you to ruin these moments

  11. It's a wierd patriarchal thing. What about positive female role models? Why would she need him to physically challenge men who she dates if it doesn't work out? Rejection in part of life and us women don't need further embarrassment from over protecting fathers.

  12. you have to relax. your experiences are much different then anyone elses. obviously the stepdad is showing that he will always take care of her, no matter what. the "make sure no boys steal your heart" is supposed to be a funny thing, to lighten the atmosphere a little bit. obviously it wasnt meant to be taken seriously, the girl is obviously under 7-8 years old. you need to learn how to read the room better and stop putting unneccessary meanings into beautiful moments like these.

  13. That a phone thief or a serial killer? Excessive violence is nothing to be proud of. Edit: Downvoted by Violence-loving idiots, not surprised.

  14. street justice is the only way justice is served in many countries. most of the time police wont do fuckall, or get bribed out of doing something.

  15. Yeah but the slam to the head at the start of the video should be enough to „teach“ no need to beat a crappy thief half dead

  16. agreed it was very excessive, but a lot of the time someones phone is their livelihood, it can take months of pay to afford some old nokia 3310

  17. Brazilian here. they said "tava roubando aqui" (accusing him of stealing) to which he responds"tava roubando não"(saying he didn't) but I guess they didn't believe him...

  18. thank you, was waiting for someone to translate and give some clarity on the situation lol

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