
  1. I headcanon that the claws follow cartoon logic, like toothless from htyd. They’re sharp and hard when needed for grabbing, combat, and the like, or they’re softer and bendable when required

  2. I didn't think this was unpopular but after seeing this subreddit I think it is

  3. Underrated comment. Do not understand it. Also, after what he did to my favourite Barbarian... yuk

  4. I remember there was an actual article, written by a gaming journalist apparently, where the author was complaining there was no way to romance Sazza the goblin.

  5. I thought it would be great to play a goblin, act 1 would be so interesting

  6. Playing as one is one thing. Having them as a romance option, on the other hand...

  7. His good friend, Sir Ian McKellen, is gay. Perhaps you have them mixed up.

  8. I swear that episode of Frasier brainwashed me...I was so sure he was gay

  9. I'm on xbox and always worry about crashes messing up my honour run

  10. I went through all the stages of grief with him (over the course of several months).

  11. That only happens if you constantly refuse him and treat him as an enemy. It is no different than any other party member having a bad ending if you do bad things with/to them. Just like the rest of the game, your decisions make that happen, even if it was in the past. Now, if you got the Stelmane story regardless of how you treat him then it would be different. That's not the case though.

  12. Nah, when you resist and refuse to play his manipulation games he drops the mask. He literally lies to you every single step of the way. Even when he says "You now know everything there is to know about me" he hasn't told you who he REALLY is... What he did to Stelmane is always what he did to her, regardless of whether you find out

  13. I have no idea about rugby but I'm nicking Scrantoine Dupont and gunna use it to talk like Benoit Blanc.

  14. I'm gonna be real honest I pulled that fact outta my ass.

  15. Shield bash and polearm master seem to be the top two most requested fixes for gameplay

  16. What's broken about Polearm Master? My partner just put it on her durge monk

  17. The only other sound I hate more than that, is the sound of Lae'zel incessantly sharpening her god damn weapons at camp. That constant stone-on-metal grinding sound gets annoying so fast!

  18. Yeah but when she says "tsk" I fall in love with her again...

  19. "Weed induced frenzy" Maybe if it was Randy's Christmas Snow...

  20. And manual save, in case you fuck up and the last 5 quicksaves dont help you anymore

  21. Fucking astonishes me how long people will do nothing watching someone get savaged!! Glad someone finally stepped in...

  22. I threw out my marriage this year, good luck to you both

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