
  1. Why is The Crown the presumptive favourite? Its final season got pretty mediocre reviews, even some downright savage ones. And The Morning Show? It's never gotten glowing reviews. Come on Emmys, step out of the box a little.

  2. It gained momentum in the final episodes. Part 2 of Season 6 can be considered on par with the likes of Season 1.

  3. Assault weapons are banned since 1994. Semi Automatic aren't assault weapons.

  4. They are reusing the plot point of the cancelled Fallout film.

  5. Nobodys trying to take it down though, what they’re trying to scratch their head is that if this was a continuation of the fallout games that were set on the west coast, why are some events dont match up or exist if what the show is truly portraying. Personally, it was an excellent show, one of the best adaptations on par with the last of us but this was a soft reboot of the west coast setting. You can love the franchise while criticizing continuity, lore and character mistakes of a shared continuity like x-men, dc, Halo, and other franchises.

  6. I guess it’s just an adaptation that doesn’t really factor in the game lore completely. I’m personally fine with. I don’t think it ruins canon, it’s just its own entity.

  7. Todd Howard stated that this is a continuation of the games.

  8. It is great but they should've marketed it as a soft reboot of the original west coast fallout franchise than a respected continuation.

  9. Those people turned a sleepy and insignificant town in Nevada into one of the county’s most go to tourist hotspots.

  10. I dont hate it but they should have marketed it as a soft reboot not an stated continuation with an orginal story.

  11. What I don't understand, is those NCR and FNV fans are the ones out of all the series getting the most fan service.. I mean.. the way the season ends pretty much infers the next season will be centered on NV.

  12. If you think fan service is using shady sands as a flashpoint of an alternate timeline or a soft reboot of the original west coast timeline then thats a hell of a fans service.

  13. I think it’s best not to consider what’s going on with continuity and lore regarding the show. It’s not going to end well.

  14. This was a soft reboot of the original fallout timeline in the west coast which was great, one of the best video game adaptations of all time.

  15. They switched the boneyard and shady sands I guess

  16. That's not the problem, the problem was that it was inconsistent to the lore established in Fallout 2 and Fallout New Vegas. For Fallout Bethesda Fans and Television Fans, it was great show, probably on par with The Last of Us as one of the greatest video game adaptations of all time. But to Interplay and Obsidian Fans, it was a slap to the face of the lore present within this universe with some arguing the best lore of the franchise. It felt like a soft reboot of the original fallout timeline within the west coast rather than what they marketed as a respected continuation of the games with an original story.

  17. It was a reboot of the original fallout universe while retaining the element of that same universe.

  18. Britain after the end of the world wars saw a stagnant growth in all economic indicators.

  19. The part about the CIA was a lot to take in. However, the series moves away from that and goes into great detail about how the Russian people had no freedom and how the tension of the Cold War has reverberated to today.

  20. They didn't even discussed how the Soviet Union put down people revolutions in the Eastern Blocs like Hungary, Romania, and East Germany. Those revolutions who aren't really western leaning were put down by force. They just discuss the Iran and Guatemala affairs.

  21. He's English, not British, Britain wouldn't exist for another 107 years.

  22. It destroyed the flow of an otherwise tightly paced show with no unnecessary fillers. It suffered the same shit that took down Game of Thrones well until season six part two where Peter Morgan finally gets his shit together and focuses the narrative to the subject matter.

  23. As the Queen Mother stated "AbDiCaTiOn"

  24. Debicki literally being the only shining star of relevance of the Crown for these last two seasons unlike the first four seasons.

  25. They should donate some of that to the viewers with how bad that final season was.

  26. Season 6 part 1 was bad but part 2 ended with a high note

  27. Obviously it’s gotta be Debicki, she recently won a Golden Globe for her performance.

  28. So was Corrin if you remember. Golden Globes love The Crown for some reason.

  29. Charles and Diana in the final episode of Season 4 of the Crown when the last time the writing of the show was still HBO quality.

  30. Is that the "because I'm your wife" fight?

  31. No it's the "I refuse to be blamed any longer for this grotesque misalliance" to Diana.

  32. I assume he wasn't consulted for the show but I bet they used some of his work as reference.

  33. If HBO were to drop it, I imagine Netflix would quickly step in to pick it up now that The Crown has concluded.

  34. It seems that Netflix doesn't want another posh totty historical drama.

  35. It's hard being stereotyped/typecast in a role even though this was the role that put her on the map.

  36. Debecki was so good as Diana that even the terrible writing failed to ruin her performance. I actually watched the queen in between part 1 and 2 which contains actual footage and stills of the real Diana and I actually felt that Debecki felt more real than the real Diana, that's how good a performance she gave. No one has ever given such a good performance and anyone who chooses to play Diana in future will have their work cut out for them.

  37. It doesn't matter if you're godly in your performance if the script and themes you're supposed to show in a historical drama are shit.

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