
  1. Same, same, same, same, short term memory is fleeting at best, long term is phenomenal

  2. Yep. I never drink sweetened soda pop, but once after a run I grabbed something I thought was selzer but turned out to be Sprite. It tasted insanely, unbelievably sweet.

  3. That's sprite regardless of how often you drink soda tbh

  4. If you shoved a person at a concrete wall hard enough for them to go through it, the person would be reduced to chunky salsa.

  5. Peach, Cherry, Apple, Ichigo (strawberry in Japanese but also a semi-common name for boys), Clementine, Olive/Oliver

  6. Refresh rate or PSU would be the safest to go unnoticed, but I'd notice all of these within an hour of sitting down to use my PC for work =X

  7. and then you get to the end and a gorilla throws barrels at you.

  8. The good news is once you get there, its no longer the end!

  9. No I'm a dental hygienist do you have any actual evidence to back your stance.

  10. Well now I'm torn, you have a financial incentive to push whitening.

  11. Wait staff in Minneapolis make $15.18/hour plus tips. Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New York, Oregon, and Washington all have tipped minimum wage at $10 or higher.

  12. Fuck copyright laws, they need be dialed way the fuck back.

  13. So what I find is that with high dpi your wrist doesn't "turn", as much as it "wiggles", and I used to get wrist issues coz my wrist would turn, so my forearm was no longer straight, if that makes sense?

  14. In general, high dpi is associates with rsi more than low dpi.

  15. All the prefixes you'll probably never need

  16. At 60-140GB per movie, we'll easily move up that list to Peta in the next decade or so, Exa are already in use for labs

  17. Dems are hardly "the left", they're milquetoast centrists that do the bare minimum to maintain the status quo.

  18. Feel like mine took years to fully break in to the point of being comfortable to wear all day.

  19. At that point its you that's broken, the boot hasn't changed.

  20. That law is to address a scam that used to happen where somebody would send you some junk out of the blue, you’d throw it away, and then they’d send you an invoice.

  21. Great I can have gpt-4 explain to people why they need to stop eating so much junk food. Maybe it’ll come with a better argument than me.

  22. I eat an apple a day to keep you away, now begone witch!

  23. It's not even enough to quit your job over anymore lol. That used to be the first thing most people said they'd do if they won a million. Don't get me wrong, mine and most people's lives would change drastically for the better and it's nothing to scoff at. It can eliminate debts and pay off homes. It can be invested and generate returns. It's just not enough to uproot everything and live comfortably for an extended period of time alone.

  24. Rent limits should be based on minimum wage. Everyone should be able to afford a place to live.

  25. Trad art is generally foundational, you should have a good grasp of it long before art school. If you're paying for school it shouldn't be for the basics.

  26. Did the world enter the twilight zone in March of 2020 and never return? Like what in the hell is this utter nonsense

  27. We saw a great example of it in real life with software engineers just a few years ago during the great resignation.

  28. The main benefit of a flying car is that you can stack multiple layers of cars on one road. Helicopters cannot do this because they require too much 3D space and cause too much local disturbance to pack a bunch of them into a “lane”.

  29. Laws can change, but you don't want the meaning of an existing law to change by itself accidentally. You want legislators to change laws with intention, that's the whole point

  30. I suppose, really its because words don't translate 1:1, nor do they only have 1 definition =/

  31. If you take 1000mg and still feel tired, it's time to move on to amphetamines.

  32. Supposed to be, cant gettem in a timely or affordable fashion, so 1g of caffeine instead

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