
  1. In a recent expansion they added a Soviet Civil War mechanic — you can get various other communists (eg trotsky, kamenev, &c), or people of other ideologies. As a player, it’s all about managing Stalin’s paranoia and the great purge

  2. They probably hate you because they don't think you're worthy.

  3. Yeah 75 is pretty low, send companions to spread the word

  4. Thats an awfully fine 8 damage you got there. Lol. What was it prior? 3?

  5. I made this post over 6 months ago and I know what was wrong and what you said wasn’t correct

  6. why are you like this? you can go to blackreach any time at any point in the game. if you don't remember how just look it up on a video. alftand works even if you haven't unlocked any elevator.

  7. Did you pick it up after finishing the puzzle

  8. Go back to the Tower of Mzark in the ancient dwarven mine and double check

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