
  1. Bro has hidden talent 🔥🔥 keep it hidden 🗣️🗣️

  2. My soldiers scream! My soldiers fight! My soldiers RAGEEE OUT

  3. Bro what happened to this reddit 💀

  4. I’d say theoretically Overhaul does the exact same thing as Decay but with the added benefit of reassembly so if stressed enough to evolve yes I think it would be stronger than Decay because it is the same type of quirk just with the added reassembly.

  5. "So it's the same type of quirk as star platinum?"

  6. True dat I did one pull on the childe banner at 53 pity and got him and layla on the next roll!

  7. You should be able to manage one yellow pull for sure, but i doubt you'd be able to get two without being super lucky.

  8. Well let's just hope for the best! :D

  9. When I was younger I thought killing was a crime 💀💀💀

  10. Imo if they are face camping in the end game collapse then it's understandable but if they are face camping at 5 gens then wtf lol

  11. time flie like an arwow,furit flie like bonana ✊✊😔😔

  12. Amazing but the hands and the eyes could have been improved but overall really detailed!

  13. I feel your pain , if you want to you can play with me I play almost everyday both killer and survivor :) Ign: UnboundTecKno Discord : Saiki#1718 or saiki#1718

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