
  1. I think Betty White did this but some time ago.

  2. Project farm just did a video on rain repellant. Rainx came in close to the top and was the best value at $10.

  3. Yeah, it’s a group of people who are so porn addicted that they have whole rooms in their houses dedicated to masturbating like it’s a full time job. They’ll have multiple screens with different porn videos playing throughout the day. There are subreddits dedicated to it.

  4. Wait... You mean everyone doesn't have a masturbatorium? Cause I sure don't. That would be weird.

  5. Which locations of Food Lion have decent rotisserie chickens? I've been to about 3 off of military hwy and only one had them and they looked pretty pitiful

  6. I grabbed one for dinner last night at the east little creek store across from autozone. It was pretty nummy I guess as there seems to be nothing but a carcass left in the box.

  7. As a person who spent his formative years watching the rise of the internet, it still amazes me to see people posting every detail of their lives on platforms for everyone to see. Especially when they make you look bad. I like attention sometimes too but just damn man.

  8. I like the ICC jacks much better. Especially with the punch tool they sell that punches the whole jack at once.

  9. The CVS on Little Creek is an authorized destructor. Not sure of that's an "all pharmacy" thing though

  10. Also the Walgreen's on the corner of E. Little Creek and Halprin has a disposal bin.

  11. I require proof. There's no way he's actually that stupid.

  12. Let me know what you find. I always end up fixing my own shit.

  13. I think I got my bands mixed up. Also, I like monster magnet.

  14. That's one way to avoid the traffic I suppose.

  15. You know what? I'm rooting for this person. I hope they sell a bunch of them. Say that it cures gayness and atheism and let someone buy that shit for $50k.

  16. I'd like to focus on the more important fact that this is what happens when you amass too large of a fortune. It gives you influence beyond what is reasonable for a single person.

  17. Thank you for the great shots, it was truly remarkable experience. I could not get the exposure right on my phone quick enough, so these are greatly appreciated.

  18. I'd like to add I didn't consider the guy might be dead until long after I drove away and felt bad about it… never had that happen in VB. A man with the upper half of his ass exposed draped over a bare patch of sidewalk at around 4pm in the day… people near by just ignoring it like it was normal.

  19. Sorry, I was having a rough day and forgot my belt. I was just tired and decided to take a quick nap. I'm fine.

  20. Jesus Christ we really are just apes that figured out math.

  21. I've been teaching kids in the empty super k parking lot on military. I tried military circle but they have it all fenced off.

  22. I really hate to break it to you, but he was never the man you thought he was and he's always been this, he just didn't talk enough in public for you to know that.

  23. I have come to that conclusion. He has lost my respect.

  24. He’s only gained my respect more! Thinks quite logically instead of going on emotional tantrums like y’all.

  25. So expressing an opinion that is different than yours is an emotional tantrum? We're talking about the guy that fired this particular journalist because he disagrees with him. He's currently backing a candidate for presidency that tried to end American democracy, that is a known sex offender, and is for all intents and purposes a criminal and a bigoted sociopath.

  26. I'm not cleaning up another damn Uber bukkake party damnit!

  27. Yeah I can't tell if his comment is satire or not, but it probably cut down around 20% of the install time and/ or eliminated the need for a ground person.

  28. Who cares? If you want to find the most efficient way to do something, task the lazy guy to do it. He'll invent shit if he has to.

  29. I was going to say something witty but this is better.

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