
  1. Boy, what an eye-roll of a headline.

  2. Seriously. I’m no Trump bobo, but this is so tiring and stupid.

  3. I guess that’s one way to spin being the strip mall capital of Mn

  4. Yep. I thought I was making good money when I took my current job. Admittedly, I do work in education, but it astounds me how often I think to myself “if I had a kid I’d be screwed.”

  5. Interesting, I've never thought the Ukraine impeachment was a major factor in that election. I would chalk it up more than anything to his Covid response and just his general craziness and stupidity

  6. Giuliani did in real life to his reputation what D and D did to Game of Thrones lol. He could have lived the rest of his life vibing off the goodwill he got after 9/11. Threw it all away to fuck about with someone who is so obviously a piece of shit, and for what? To get stiffed for millions then get sued to boot and disbarred. What a maroon.

  7. An amazing show. From a guy that never gets into new shows very easily.

  8. Consider it a warning act. It’s a measured response to check them a little bit, without escalating further. At least for now.

  9. Dude - that’s my sincere dream for our species. I have to believe it’s possible. It starts with empathy. I can’t control a lot, but I do my best to try and bring that to relationships and in how I attempt to interpret the world around me. Peace and love to you my friend. 🖤

  10. Not something I listen to often. I have it on vinyl as well. Depressive black metal is just sorta boring for me beyond the emotion it invokes. Sonically it’s a drip. YMMV.

  11. I don’t understand how folks don’t fault punk enough. I’m wayyyyy over TK, and walked away from AEW following the “scared for my life” promo. But, it’s pretty clear to me that punk has some sort of personality disorder. We’ve all been pissed off at work, and somehow we don’t attack our coworkers. He’s got a track record and reputation, and he deserves it as much as the bucks deserve theirs.

  12. Consider that children taken into protective custody are often then abused in foster care. The CP system has a terrible track record, and I don’t care which state you’re in - it’s still the truth. This bitch deserves karma now.

  13. It’s particularly rough on poor people and historically minoritized communities

  14. Yea - absolutely. The history of child “protection” has been directly tied to race right from the start. Separation of families via enslavement, and Indian boarding schools were the beginning of it, but that legacy extends into the now in present day disparities across so many outcomes.

  15. Last time I went to church was I. 2019, where the pastor railed against Biden. I left and haven’t been back since. Christ’s teachings don’t need a building.

  16. Gave up trying to watch the Twins half a decade ago. Last season I tried for about a month but I echo all the issues everyone here has.

  17. The Democrats never leave me alone. I am wondering if my data was leaked.

  18. Be respectful, remember that they are selling a fantasy, don’t be a bunch of cheap pricks (if all you can afford to spend is $10 you shouldn’t go), don’t take the situation too seriously. I remember going to Deja Vu when I was 18, and I left within twenty minutes because I was just not comfortable. 40 now, and I’m def not any regular to strip clubs, but I’ve had a lot of fun at them since. If you are in a relationship, be sure your partner is aware you are going and define boundaries if they are needed.

  19. I would not want to cum with my dick pointed that hard off center.

  20. The vast majority of posts I see in the occult or esoteric subreddits I follow often make me think I’m just reading ramblings from mentally unwell folks. Kundalini threads really blow my mind on this front.

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