
  1. That’s half of a ribeye, possibly a chuckeye. Those other two look like mock tenders (scotch tenders/ chuck tenders). These could also be poorly marbled chuck surrounding the chuckeye.

  2. This exactly. The boneless was exposed to oxygen so they opened it, removed the bone and retrayed it.

  3. The 3.49 a pound roast is the “shoulder butt”, it makes the best pulled pork and has a better fat to meat ratio.

  4. Also to keep drain clean when the cleaning crew, BOH openers come to get a drink before FOH gets there

  5. No. They don’t. For servers, if their tips at the end of each pay period weren’t enough that they made at least minimum wage, the employer is legally required to pay the difference.

  6. As soon as you contact a union representative, you are protected from retaliation. Largely because you have proof of what was happening.

  7. The vast majority of the restaurants in the US are not unionized. The vast majority of US workers have no access to a union and local and state governments are incredibly hostile to Unions themselves. The only union with any real presence in the restaurant industry is the restaurant owners union.

  8. Just stick to making the water bubbly, then add flavor to the already bubbled water.

  9. I bought a DrinkMate instead, for this exact reason. They can carbonate any drinkable that doesn’t have pulp.

  10. I've recently switched to making ice cubes out of coffee to use as the ice in my iced coffee so that my iced coffee tastes more like coffee.

  11. If you take creamer in your coffee, ice cubes made out of sweetened condensed milk work really well, too.

  12. Most people (and employers) want prompt and unobtrusive service. Don’t apologize too much and make yourself available to respond when you see eye contact. The cycle of service is more important than the banter. You ran 5 tables at once, you’re already a server.

  13. Sign up for the North East Fort Collins Gifting Community on Facebook. They are frequently giving away furniture. I have a Twin size XL mattress to give away if you need it and could drop it by when you get here. Message me if you’re interested in the mattress, otherwise happy furniture hunting, welcome to Fort Collins and congratulations on your graduate studies.

  14. I dont know enough about the Warsaw uprising but in the UK we have a moment of silence out of respect of those who died in world war 1. It is a respected tradtion to give a moment to think about the dead. I think you are being disrespectful to those who died. But your dad seems nuts for his reaction to it. Is there a reason you "didnt really care for those people" that I dont understand?

  15. She was being respectful, her father said she was faking it and called her out. If he didn’t want to know her opinion, he shouldn’t of asked.

  16. It’s not as easy as it seems and that server is still going to take home less than 30 grand this year.

  17. The brown is from where the plastic was pushing on the meat. The meat looks fine. The yellowing fat gives me more pause. I’m a meat cutter, I see this all the time.

  18. YTA. And it feels like you’re not being honest about why you’re upset.

  19. Didn't that guy take a platoons' worth of pervitin and then xc skied his way back to the Finnish line that was hundreds of miles away?!

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