
  1. Gordon's on record as saying he thinks "ready meals" are awful and that people who eat them are lazy because its "so easy" to cook a fresh meal like a stir-fry.

  2. I feel that you're taking that quote out of context. He ain't saying no one should eat frozen food.

  3. But he's not talking about himself in that quote he's talking about people in general.

  4. "just read the items" and yet everyone has to turn to some 20 hour marathon of a YouTuber to piece things together that leaves even more questions

  5. The game tells you that the gold wall won't let you pass until you have more great runes. That's exactly what's going on.

  6. I read all of Berserk and have never played Elden Ring. I understand your lore.

  7. Berserk lore is dead simple. It's just magic n shit, which is the flow of causality.

  8. I think kids should be able to read whatever they want, (as I did, as my parents allowed). I started reading "adult" books in grammar school, (my parents didn't always agree about... well, anything, except letting me read books that were my reading level). I had my own reading group in school cuz, while other kids were struggling to pronounce single syllable words, I could read the entire reading book while they were trying. and I read all the time, including in class when I was done with my work. when teachers gave me shit like "that book is too adult, you shouldn't be reading it. I'm calling your mother", (despite me telling her that my mother gave me those books for Xmas), my mother just told me to hide the books from my teacher. granted, I had a lot of nasty, useless teachers. they bitched about the books I read, but when I asked for help about my home life, (the only "nice" thing my parents ever did was let me read- it was my escape from my nightmarish home life), they basically told me to fuck off and stop asking for HELP. but, of course, there are no parents complaining about teachers failing their students re: "mandatory reporting" abuse. just books. and my dad, who lives in FL now, thinks they're all assholes for wanting to prevent anyone from reading anything. I agree. these nutjobs who want to ban books are the same assholes who say "how I discipline my children is my business"... yet it's not. clumps of cells have more rights than children, women, bipoc, etc. AND NOW THEY'RE COMING AFTER OUR BOOKS. AGAIN. libraries, (and bookstores), have several levels of "children's books", (which these protesters would know if they ever actually entered a library). parents have the right to choose which books their own children read, full stop. and the only reason to fear books is to fear knowledge. I can't comprehend such a belief.

  9. It's frustrating because I feel there are real issues that should be discussed seriously, but instead it always turns into a discussion about "those people". (Be they queer or conservative).

  10. I understand. but kids need to be able to read whatever books they want , (including about "those people"). knowledge is power, and books contain knowledge.

  11. I just hate this being cast as a left - right issue instead of as a freedom of speech issue.

  12. I've been having fun brute forcing bad builds in A rank.

  13. While I disagree with OP, I will point out that how informed a consumer can be is determined by those regulations. As a recent example, in the US, caffeine isn't on the list of things that need to go on the nutrition label. Drink companies just all took it upon themselves to inform people how much was in their drinks. But other than a potential lawsuit, nothing stops a company from not telling people or being very vague about it.

  14. It's not a potential lawsuit, it's a guaranteed lost lawsuit as soon as someone with a heart condition dies after drinking the beverage.

  15. And make the whole incident disappear, as they have done. The fact that this stuff does happen, while the rules haven't changed says they are needed.

  16. https://apnews.com/article/panera-charged-lemonade-drinks-caffeine-3d0f74907be3b755b71b7c47d2dfc85d

  17. It's crazy to hear about the straight perception of anal... It makes the prevalence of the stereotype that all MLM are degenerate perverts make a lot more sense.

  18. What does MLM mean? I only know multi-level-marketing aka pyramid schemes aka mary Kay Lula roe etc

  19. i thought this was about the science sub and was going to agree, that sub is fuckin nuts and often wildly misrepresents theoretical papers as proven fact ... but then skimmed the comments and am seeing a bunch of legit anti-science rhetoric here and that's legit just depressing and sad.

  20. Faith has no place in science. Skepticism, even towards science is more constructive than blind faith, even towards science.

  21. science isn't ideology, it's a body of experimental data verified by thorough repeated peer review processes

  22. Homie, a body of evidence is only as good as the process that produces it.

  23. Look, I don't care if you eat poop, it just gets weird when you start insisting other people should too.

  24. I just think Kendrick has this in the bag and you refuse to accept Drake lose

  25. I figured you'd be a Drake fan base on his lines about not nutting:

  26. Is this a new meme I'm out of the loop on? This is like the fifth post I've seen about someone getting ripped off by some dankkush.gov tier website this week. Are people really this dumb?

  27. i agree, i hate this shit, i bet half of it is puriteen 13yos who are like "tch, all my friends think sex is funny, but i'm MATURE and i think it's NOT FUNNY!"

  28. I usually ignore and move on, but when it's some real 13 year old sex humor (i.e., the joke is only funny because lol sex exists) I have to say something because sex isn't real.

  29. well yes obviously, not all people making these points are hypocrites, but i regularly see people complain about fantasy wendigos being inaccurate and therefor offensive, yet these same people are often times completely apathetic towards mythological inaccuracies in other fantasy creatures ie: dragons, werewolfs, demons, etc. personally i dont care about accuracy fantasy media because its fiction lol.

  30. perhaps, but while the wendigos themselves are portrayed in an negative light ive never seen them used to portray the natives themselves negatively (although i dont doubt that it has been done), this makes sense as wendigos are typically considered dangerous and profane in native cultures as they are an embodiment of gluttony and cannibalism, additionally it seems that the "enlightened shaman" stereotype is far more common then "brutal savage" stereotype nowadays, so i dont really see it as "violent monster from native mythology is popular = perception of natives as violent is popular" especially because few would consider other groups as violent because of their violent myths and legends, which are often times far more unhinged then the is wendigo in concept.

  31. The violence stereotype connection is a deep rabbit hole.

  32. The middle east is not typically grouped with "Asian America". I mean Saïd correctly argues that "orientalism" originally was applied to the middle east, but that's not how it's situated in contemporary discourse.

  33. Okay but when talking about Asian America we're not talking about if your family comes from east or west of the Bosphorous. Like I don't think the average person is using that criteria, and certainly not scholars of Asian American issues

  34. In my experience in America, "Asian American" always implies East Asian but sometimes also includes South Asians.

  35. you never won a match by scooping, dont lie

  36. first: that statement is retarded. you would have won if he scopped as well

  37. This discussion usually goes very differently when men who are attracted to bi women are discussed.

  38. Video game AI and ChatGPT are about as far apart as you can get.

  39. It sounds like you're conflating AI with neural networks and/or machine learning. AI doesn't need to involve either of those to be AI.

  40. I disagree with those people's arguments, and clearly enough other people also do that this is stated as an opinion some people hold rather than as a fact.

  41. That’s definitely correct, but neither are humans. I am sure you’re far more sentient than many humans out there (special needs or disabled, or children), but we don’t give different ethics to them.

  42. There certainly are different ethics for special needs people and children.

  43. Nobody considers how stupid it would make you feel to walk all the way out of Hades without looking back and then turn around only to realize that Hades played you for a chump and got you to walk yourself out without getting what you wanted.

  44. You were right, Israel ended up responding. But confusingly, it didn't really seem to escalate the situation much.

  45. Thus far there's a clear international consensus that any further direct action from either side will be considered escalation.

  46. Do the 7 shield types all have some unique effect or it’s all the same ?

  47. What part has you hesitant? I personally think that the theme of perilous adventure loses its edge if you know that nothing bad will happen because they're kids.

  48. I view the nudity as totally separate from the murder. I am not in any way contributing to child murder by reading the manga, but I can't say that with the same confidence when it comes to child sexual exploitation. I've been super wary of pedo manga artists after the artist of Galko-chan got busted with CP that he claimed was artistic reference.

  49. I'm not usually the type to believe in astrology, but this was shockingly accurate to me as a Leo.

  50. It's crazy that you're even assuming this is what's being asked for. Those 7 memorable NPCs can eventually wander into a settlement and then realize they're not all completely insane and begin to rebuild. For fucks sake this isn't hard. FromSoft fans just don't wanna admit Elden Ring would benefit from a real location like this on the map instead of the disconnected Roundtable Hold that's not explained in its existence

  51. The lore of the roundtable hold is actually pretty fleshed out, it's just hard to find all of the items that talk about it.

  52. But this isn't a Souls game, it's Elden Ring. The setting is completely different, and if we take the known lore at face value, the Lands Between should be hurting and far from an ideal state but not be completely, utterly barren like it is in game.

  53. Do you not remember Kenneth trying to rule the demi-humans? Your definition of "people worth ruling over" is drastically different than the definition they use in the lands between.

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