
  1. Holy shit. It must surreal competiting like this on the WORLD stage. What an insane moment!

  2. Amazing work from the lady but don't give glory to god... The woman did the work and any god involved conspired to make an old man suffer needlessly.

  3. Nature is nature. Snow covered the entire area the man wasn’t targeted by the snow. You don’t think it was God that happened to put her boyfriend in the right place at the right time to hear him in the first place? 🤦

  4. Didn’t seem like tailgating to me?? I’ve seen wayy worse. Wth

  5. Ehhhh, if you’re an Andrew Tate hater I can understand. Definitely don’t think it’s small dick energy. Dude is rich, famous, and is successful with women. Lives what he preaches. Whether you agree with his opinions or not, it can’t get more real than that 🤣

  6. Can anyone explain why Tesla stock is doing so bad? Holy shit, it’s always had its ups and downs bit this seems much different!

  7. Happy for them and all but how the hell did both of them propose at the same time? That hardly seems like the time or place to propose.

  8. Lol, what a failure as a Father. He voluntarily put himself and his family in this situation. Wow. Bravo.

  9. N64 + Mario Kart was the combo at that time!! Also Golden Eye!! Bringing back memories man 🤣

  10. Yep, we have the same thing going! We couldn’t figure out the warming method though so we have to bring it inside when the weather gets under 35-37 degrees F.

  11. I don’t think the Atheist’s comment is the same argument. Someone can belittle in God and science but Atheist’s explicitly believe there isn’t a God.

  12. This has to be on a cruise ship or something based on the noise. That last one got me 🤣🤣🤣

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