
  1. Visul meu umed sa moara în închisoare, nu rezolvă nimic și nu compensează cu nimic. Da așa vreau eu, sa rămână în analele istoriei ,că a murit in închisoare.

  2. Now that I am in love, what do I do with it?

  3. Sorry but did she knew that Israel would pass to the finals? Probably not. No one expected to go the finals honestly. If Israel wins tomorrow, it's over for Eurovision, we can't let this happen!

  4. Used to be quite here, now the trolls started coming.

  5. That's not at all the answer though. There's tons of people who want to start a family. They just can't find anyone. 

  6. frate....... chiar? Despre ce naiba te referi, da-i Transilvania inapoi cu logica asta. Nimeni nu i-a "acceptat” pe evrei, ei au fost mereu acolo, mai mulți venind prin imigrare în pământul OTOMAN pe care l-au cumpărat pentru a lucra și a se stabili, evrei au luat zero pământuri înainte ca arabii să înceapă un război. Astfel încât România să poată lua pământ într-un război pe care îl începe (România din primul război mondial a invadat doar de dragul Ardealului) dar Israelul nu poate într-un război pe care nu l-au început, dar îl câștigă? da dracu de logica

  7. If you are talking about the Civil War that happened to the leading of the war of independence keep going every ten years before that And see what the arabs did to the israelis, Who started the massacres In the most animalistic of fashion. Israel allegedly did one, massacre. Arabs ran away from war and were displaced? So what?That's literally every war in history, It's not like they didn't have where to go. Imagine asking a fighting side in a war almost eighty years ago to not win. Israel one and did it with the least brutality of any war before that point The original palestine was the kingdom of Jordan. They had the west bank for two decades, why didn't they give them a state? They didn't call themselves Palestinians then either, They didn't seek a palestinian state. In typical fashion, they got kicked out of Jordan, too. The palestinians ran away? Sure. Do you know what happened to the ones who stayed? Nothing they got to be Citizens of the only democratic country in the Middle East, full rights, and I'm playing fucking league of legends while writing this with my best friend, an Arab, with a father that is a pediatrician. The palestinians can either move on or continue to be the only people in existence to keep their refugee emblem for so long, I had enough Of caring for people that crave death so much, history is never pretty, but they got stuck there. And now you have all this raging anti.Semites losing your shit because jews are not dying fast enough. Remind me when this outcry will happen about the Kurdish genocide in turkey, for example , We're even speaking the language of the Kurds is considered to be a terrorist act and was outlawed. But nobody burns their own school for that right? Because jews are not involved

  8. I hope Israel gets banned next year if they are paying people to vote lmao but we have a higher chance of meeting aliens than that happening

  9. Yeah, about the paying part. I forgot one major thing: fricking Germany.

  10. No I’m not saying like officially they are buying votes but just rumors. About the Germans, not sure if they would vote for Israel? Maybe 🤔

  11. Oh, yeah, what's happening in Germany right now is crazy. They cracked down on protestors, the government puts pressure on anti-genocid protestors, they arrested an Israeli Jew for peaceful protesting, they shut down entire events, criminalized speeches like " from the river to the sea". They even banned Yanis Varoufakis.

  12. Williams Lee Adams was just analysing on Dutch television:

  13. I paid to see the Eurovision final in a club in Arnhem and I want even those money back.

  14. Is Israel part of Europe? Geographically it’s part of Asia. I guess culturally it’s closer to Europe.

  15. They are part of EBU, an alliance of public service media organizations, EBU is the organiser of Eurovision. At the beginning, in the 50s it was mostly European state owned television but later it extended

  16. Difference is, one is the aggressor and the other one is defending itself. How would you propose for Israel to be safe next time as long as hamas exists?

  17. Sims looks more lively. You could plant a tree or a flower bush in Sims

  18. Or paint your house purple, or have fking bathroom tiles on the patio or literally anything with some personality. Idk what bland hell is this.

  19. Daca va uitati la comentariile de la articol va apuca groaza. Misoginism la greu dar si mentalitatea ca nu esti barbat daca nu faci aia si aia.

  20. Vrei să știi de ce trăiesc mai puțin bărbații în România ? Nu din cauza servicilor cum era pe vremuri deoarece aparatura și conditile de muncă s-au îmbunătățit.

  21. I think it’s the people who’ve been playing for years that are just over the game. You get drawn by the mystery, the cool ads. 40+ levels in you’re no where closer to finding our what the deal is with grandma and the rest of Maddie’s family and you get to a point where you don’t care to find out anymore

  22. Nu vad de ce nu ar merge uleiul simplu, orice ulei fancy vei folosi, tot îl vei spala cu săpun.

  23. Wasn’t “rich” under Trump or Biden. But I will admit…groceries, fuels, vehicles, homes, medicines, clothing, home furnishings and essentials, foreign affairs….all were better under Trump.

  24. But that's everywhere if you listen to international news, the USA is actually doing very well compared to say... UK which is in a swamp.

  25. Thanks! Mostly I just got tired of being ashamed to be WHITE 🤍

  26. this is part of syllabus for 12th grade biology , we don't have centralised tests for all undergrad courses like the SAT's we have separate highly glorified extremely competitive exams for each degree

  27. I translated a few from the last exam if you're interested. If it has 4 answers and numbers like 1, 2, 3 , 4 , it's a multiple answers so the correct answer can be: 1,2,3 ( A) or 1 with 3(B) or 2 with 4(C), or just 4 or all of them or none of them (D). Basically you can't have 1 with 2 correct or 2,3,4

  28. I was just watching house and I laughed my ass off at a scene where house was bugging Wilson as usual and asked him where is he going and Wilson answered " no where but I know it hurts you" this came out of nowhere, it was so good

  29. PhDs are difficult as fuck to get, if you have one, bet your ass I am gonna call you Doctor

  30. You forget, logistics includes infrastructure. The infrastructure just doesn't exist to get all these things to everyone that needs it. Roads need to be built, bridges over water, possibly more ports for ships, railways. Warehouses to sort and distribute everything. Then you need to keep everything moving, delivering a dozen containers worth of food to the starving once doesn't keep them from starving. Just because you are lucky enough to have the luxury of being able to have anything delivered to your house in under a week, doesn't mean everyone else does.

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