
  1. People say it’s repetitive, but I never felt that way. I love the length of Valhalla. It makes it feel like a true saga.

  2. I hear what you're saying and I agree to a degree, but this touches on something towards long games in general, RDR2 included; despite the game being good, the length of it really reduces the chance of replay for me. Id love to play RDR2 or Valhalla again, but I don't want to make a 150 hour commitment. Maybe that's just a me thing though

  3. It makes me happy to see no one in here mentioning the degree im currently working on

  4. Caffeine is a diuretic, so it itself does not cause dehydration, but the increase in urine output without compensating with drinking water can lead to some level of fluid loss. In the same vein of thought, alcohol is also a diuretic.

  5. Hi there, i know im late to the party, but did you have any luck finding this?

  6. I'm not trying to be crude, but with the smallest amount of education about genetics and biology you would understand why this question is ridiculous. There is no "ant gene", but a collective of genes which cooperate/ repress each other to make the ant the size it is. The same can be said for lions, tigers, bears, whales, etc.

  7. Playing GTA growing up taught me how to read a GPS on the fly

  8. Not all leftists are racist, believe it or not

  9. Is this a second undergrad degree or a second grad level degree? You're an independent undergrad so Parent PLUS loans wouldn't be an option even if she was willing to take them out

  10. I already have an associates in a healthcare related field, going back for a bachelor's in something different. Id say I'd probably need another 12-15K? After this fall I'll only have 2 semesters left

  11. You already have $57,500 in Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans from your associates?

  12. Well it's not just from my associates. I was a typical dip shit kid who went from major to major until I figured out what to do with my life

  13. I'm so sorry for your loss

  14. They always find these threads and then claim there is no connection between manipulation and dissections. It is absolutely rare, given the number of manipulations performed but it is real and neurointerventionalists, neuroradiologists, neurologists know and have seen the consequences. I'm 4 years out of training and have seen 2, last one was 24yo girl stroked half her cerebellum.

  15. And by that's same logic, your forearm was going to be fractured regardless, the fact that you fell and bent it sideways had nothing to do with it. These chiropractors are a menace

  16. Hey bro i hope u are having a good day, i have the Asus vp288he and i Saw Ur post . We're u able to fix ir? I can't get the colors right and Ive looked everywhere Can u help me giving me Ur solución?

  17. Did you get a reply for this? I just got one myself & the default settings are atrocious. Sorry for the super late reply lol

  18. Geralt heard him, there's no way he didn't, besides, we all know what little gift geralt leaves Dijkstra for the rest of his life

  19. It's crazy the amount of times I randomly get the urge to play origins. I haven't thought of odyssey or Valhalla since I've finished them, but me and bayek are about to go for round 3

  20. 7 looks like a butthole

  21. They don't like releasing their main games off of the consoles.

  22. They'll put them on the switch with a $60 price tag

  23. Big fan of the koi straw hat! I didn't wear a hat for the entire game until I found it, then I never went back

  24. I knew I wouldn't be able to do it "in any order I wanted" but for gods sake who thought it would be a good idea to make the player zig zag back & forth??

  25. ive always had a soft spot for cyndaquil, all the 2nd gen starters tbh

  26. I don't even pander to patients like this anymore. They say they punched the wall, and my immediate response is "the wall won, didn't it?"

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