
  1. Ik heb geen DM en ga ook geen account aanmaken op een of ander platform, dus je zult het dan hier moeten delen als je graag wil dat ik meelees.

  2. Ik ben zojuist pas in de gelegenheid geweest een conceptmail te schrijven. Ik hoop dat je nog in de gelegenheid bent om hiernaar te kijken. Alvast bedankt.

  3. Ik begin zulke e-mails meestal met een kort feitenrelaas. Daarmee bouw je ook een dossier op, want de kans is groot dat de verhuurder die feiten later niet meer betwist. In ieder geval is het handig om te benoemen dat je consument bent. Mocht het komen tot procederen, dan leest een rechter naast de gestelde feiten in de dagvaarding ook het feitenrelaas in deze e-mail.

  4. Hier kan ik zeer zeker mee vooruit. Hartelijk dank.

  5. Fun fact: the bridge on which this picture is taken is a swing bridge that is manually operated until this day. There’s only a few of them left in the Netherlands.

  6. I’ve joined KRRC a few weeks ago. Great lads, very helpful en mellow vibes. They have a competitive and recreative branch so to say. They organise practice sessions, friendlies against other clans and almost always ppl playing

  7. Quite surprised about your post. Have to say I’m quite new to the game (3 weeks in). I’ve been invited in a clan on my first game and never experienced anything like what you’re describing.

  8. Guarantee OP was politely asked to leave and threw a hissy fit or was being a dick in command chat (I mean look at the word choice he’s using, homophobia and all) so he was voted out.

  9. Well it all depends on perspective IMO. And I also think not every clan is the same. It is a shame that there are groups that take advantage of being with more people so they can vote kick players they don't want in the server and claiming servers like this.

  10. How did your transition go? I'd appreciate if you can provide some lessons learned along the way.

  11. Hey! Sorry I didn't realize you replied. Here are some lessons I've learned in the past year:

  12. I would love to see the presentation! Any possibility of getting a peek at it?

  13. It is on the work laptop from my former employer unfortunateley. I switched roles at the beginning of the year so I can't help you there.

  14. Go for a Seiko SPB 143J. IMO a great starter Watch. The grey watch face and black bezel make it easy to wear with any kind of colour and style of outfit. And it can basically match with almost every strap you slap on that puppy. I call mine a strap slut for a reason.

  15. Dit is niet eens de echte Bokito. Die is allang gedood! Dit is een kloon, geplaatst en gecontroleerd door het WEF!!?!!?

  16. This is pure gold. Thanks for making this👌

  17. These look clean man! W2C pretty please? :)

  18. Hey buddy, I couldn’t find you sliding in my DMs. U sure you have sent?

  19. This happened to me. I put a towel over the top and gently hammered on the edge that is sticking up. It popped back into place without any damage to the lid or bottle.

  20. I had the same issue and did the same thing. Worked like a charm and I didn’t need that much force to hammer it back in its place.

  21. No wonder Nike is suing any brand which makes a shoe with some resemblance to their cOpYrIgHts. MF’ers can’t even make proper pairs themselves 💀

  22. Looking to get this one as well. Looks very well, congrats buddy! 😃

  23. Never mind, I might be better off copping some glasses 🥲

  24. Why did you edit my investment portfolio into a wallpaper dude

  25. Thank you all for your help and also the hilarious suggestions! ❤️

  26. I check email twice a day: beginning of the day and after lunch.

  27. Lol this dude is focussing on just one of the arguments. Now let him justify how BR getting traded for an international arms dealer is fair knowing 100.000s of US citizens are locked up due to minor cannabis offences in the US today. 😅

  28. Hoe kut is je leven als je door de bril van een wappie kijkt. Heb het echt met ze te doen.

  29. Een simpele Google search weerlegt die hele tweet, maar stel je voor dat het antwoord niet in je straatje past. 🙃

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