
  1. It’s only normal mode. How hard could it be

  2. I swear I seen that name before. Was it by any chance a Shadowhunter in NA west?

  3. I have a suspicion that it might have been the shadowhunter that I did legion raids with a couple times lol

  4. Yeah I contacted them through amazon and they said it the disconnect was on their end they'll give me a ticket, but it's not they wont.

  5. I’m sorry to break it to you, but they won’t give you back the ticket even if it’s on their end. The only time you would get a ticket is if your party decides to disband without getting the loot

  6. Not quite, the Forest of Giants set increases the Phy. Defense and Mag. Defense stats. It is not the same as incoming damage reduction. On my character (1452 Deathblade), this barely translates to about +1.6% damage reduction.

  7. Thank you so much. I was looking forward to see the stats on this.

  8. Op name looks like it could be one of them

  9. So most classes have back attacks but only deathblade is forced to use them all the time? Are there classes that have no back attacks at all?

  10. Pinnacle Glavier don’t really need to back attack. I might be wrong on this, but gunslinger don’t need to back attack because of the tripod she takes.

  11. May I ask what "Pinnacle" is? Is it the flurry/focus(red/blue) thing?

  12. Pinnacle allows u to swap between both stance, utilizing both blue and red skills, Control locks u out of the other stance and only allow u to use blue skill. Control is more back attack dependent.

  13. 1500g in accessories, but 6000g in phoens T.T

  14. What happened to the one that existed from the beginning? Are they not Kazeros Commander?

  15. For my paladin, I only had lvl3 Blessed Aura when I was at T2. It didn’t really matter to me. But when I got to T3, prioritize Blessed Aura and Awakening lvl 3. If you land ur awakening on a target, u get more than half of your meter and maybe more with high enough spec. That usually give me 2-4 blessed aura healing per fight.

  16. Ngl, I used this excuse to get out of a PUG Group before

  17. I was in NA West and the same thing popped up for me. I restarted the game everytime it happens and after a couple tries it worked. Though I have to wait for almost an hour to play because this game takes a really long time to launch

  18. But the security footage showed that it was Revenant tho

  19. Forge's murder took place in Sorting Factory in World's Edge not Hammond's Facility

  20. I love how it says KO when u knocked an enemy lol

  21. Sorta not related, but what is everyone's opinion on revenant with the new buffs?

  22. He is so much better and the buff was very much needed to be honest. IDK how well this will work but i think in a coordinated team, revenant will be able to end a fight super quick

  23. It's an overlay i had. It helps me keep track of what i'm aiming since i don't have great eyesight.

  24. I’ve seen it before, but yes. It is really rare. Idk what the exact chance of that happening is though.

  25. Or give Caustic a passive similar to Crypto where he and his teammate can see detected enemy

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