
  1. Gross. How is this better than drag queens reading to children. Like gross

  2. Brother how did you make connection between those two things.

  3. Also, I'm not accusing anyone of plagiarism, though I do find it extremely odd that there's another story in the same collection revolving around two reality TV hosts (who are brother and sister, not a couple) who flip houses, and it's clearly a satire of gentrification. The twist in that story is they discover that one of the houses, during a special live episode, is hiding Nazi memorabilia.

  4. I think Said's death is just as shocking as Omar's on the wire.

  5. Thanks for the fucking spoilers i just started watching. Dumbass.

  6. Bruh you just started watching a 30 year old show and youā€™re on a page discussing said tv show. Youā€™re not expecting any sort of spoiler? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

  7. I started watching wire ive seen the oz. You dont usually post spoilers to other shows in the subreddit.

  8. Can you film one full match to show how your enemies play?

  9. Yea iā€™ve grown around 3 inches in the past month, i know it sounds ridiculous but iā€™m beimg completely honestšŸ˜‚ i listened to sumbliminals, went on a carnivore diet, and used the bamboo method

  10. 3 inches in the last month? If youve only lost 5 pounds then youve actually lost a lot more. When you grow you gain weight. So how much youve grown in the last 13 months?

  11. His first win wouldnā€™t have meant shit if you let him win tho. You did the good thing here! Hahah

  12. Bruh your weapon doesnā€™t move up or down, you miss some shots because you canā€™t track. Not because of your recoil control LMAO

  13. Cant track, but won, and will keep winning, and dudes like you will think im using cronus, because im just that good. Thanks for the compliments, and good luck on your matches, which problably are not going good if youre this salty. Keep crying.

  14. Nu skaties, Disco Elysium tu esi detektīvs kurŔ vāc depozītu.

  15. Added you on Activision, but that PSN ID doesnt show up.

  16. I recommend the X Files: Resist or serve it's a silent hill clone but very good.

  17. How is it like Silent Hill? Havent played it. By that i mean why not a Resident Evil clone.

  18. Im playing on Playstation 5. I had a modded Ps4, few years ago, but i didnt use it for cheating, i used it to sail the seven seas. Theres no possible way to cheat on consoles.

  19. What is going on with your monitor? Half of it is spectating and the other is playing haha

  20. DGer says:

    I saw both in theaters. I feel like in both cases if it didnā€™t have Rob Zombieā€™s name on them they would have been completely forgettable and we probably wouldnā€™t be discussing them much these days.

  21. I saw them when i didnt know who Rob Zombie was, nor do i care about his music, and theyre still favourites

  22. I editied the list, it should show that theres other ways of spelling it

  23. What do you mean other ways of spelling it? Theres only one way and its definetly not rosals.

  24. This game is about killing superheros, evil versions of them. This is in no way similiar to LOU2. In the end they will retcon it anyways. This sub is total circle jerk.

  25. This is just crazy. Game is basically fundementaly broken now.

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