
  1. I know what MAGA is, but this is the first time I've seen MTG and all I can picture is a bunch of elderly Congressmen fighting over bills by playing Magic: The Gathering.

  2. "I play Cute Baby Cow, which can be played at any time and any location, and that means I win."

  3. Ever watch ProZD on YouTube? He has a dairy farmer-based parody game which he features in a number of his videos. The "Black Brie" card has been declared illegal. 😂

  4. Yup! I was trying to quote him but probably got it wrong. I do believe he could successfully kickstart that game if he wanted

  5. Honestly, for a moment I thought I was on one of the queer subs and was confused about why a woman is choosing bears. Like, I appreciate them too but they would never like me back?

  6. Some cleaning companies offer move-out service if you don't have a lot of time and can afford it. Handle the maintenance and deep cleaning (behind fridge etc) yourself and then have someone professionally handle the wall scuffs and whatnot. I've never used one but they've been an intense help for some people I know who were busy with young kids or what have you and felt overwhelmed.

  7. Some ideas we had when the kids were little were: Mini flashlights (Can get a 12 pack on Amazon for a decent price); a small pack of good crayons and a mini pad of BLANK paper (not coloring books - can get these at a dollar store sometimes); fun balls; craft kits (cheap ones using wood or fabric used to be available at craft stores). We also preferred when the goody was an actual craft, like tie-dye or rock/tile painting! Then maybe like a homemade popcorn ball or bag of cookies or something as a thank you treat to take home as well.

  8. this was all brand new install from an 85 year old woman… which was heartbreaking because i felt bad ripping it up.

  9. When my grandmother moved from her '50s ranch to a retirement community she made sure to make a brand new cloth awning from scratch. I think the machine broke toward the end and she and my aunt hand stitched the trim. She ended up dying only a few weeks after and didn't see the house sold - first thing the flipper did was tear out the awning, of course. Hurt my heart a little when I saw that.

  10. i think it behooves all of us to repost this whenever we find these "what kind of..." posts.

  11. If they could frame it "Meet this little guy I just got today! Still working on a name" it would prompt more positive reactions and also free "unsolicited" name suggestions

  12. Chiming in: My five cats stopped eating most FF about two months ago. They might nibble a little but I usually end up throwing away 80% of it.

  13. YouTube had already been a thing by the time the movie came out

  14. Nope... RotS was released in May - YouTube launched in December, and was far from "a thing" for a couple years after that.

  15. Ohhh holy crap that's nuts. Thank you for posting the context!

  16. Naw, there are several smiles! And I love the looks of concentration in the others. Reminds me that this was science as much as art.

  17. Not much I have to add here that hasn’t been said, but almost everything in Pottstown is closed by like 10pm unfortunately, it’s kinda my big complaint about “nightlife” here.

  18. Pretty sure Rattigan's is open til at least midnight, at least on weekends, as well as that Irish pub with the good wings, uhhh... Jack Cassidy's. Hard to find food past 10 for sure, though

  19. Welcome! I'm not in your age bracket and don't get out much, but do have a little insight.

  20. When my kid was three he independently decided to feed the fish by dumping the entire canister of fish food into the tank. (I was running out the door for work so asked my husband to please deal with it but he forgot; came home to a tank that looked solid white. Yes there were losses. Lessons all around)

  21. Only to kids. As an adult it’s clear he’s a good guy.

  22. Truly. Watching as a kid Miranda and Stu were definitely the bad guys. As an adult it was a total POV flip and I 100% understood both of them.

  23. only because his competitors are bbygirl fresh from the vault and the cool ghoul

  24. For me it's because the backstories of Ghoul and Lucy are more compelling. In my rewatches I tend to ff through Max's parts because I'm looking for clues about the bombs and the vaults. Brotherhood politics and drama? Meh, it's fine but not my favorite. Watch -- it'll all tie together next season and I'll need to go through the Brotherhood stuff again to pick up on foreshadowing I missed

  25. And if you haven’t already hammered in this thing, you may want to hold off and consider instead utilizing two d-rings (d-hooks) that would be screwed into each side about a third of the way down. You then would use wire to string across and use to hang.

  26. I was way too old before realizing the D-rings were supposed to have a string between them - I spent a good portion of my life carefully spacing and leveling two nails to line up with the rings. I felt like such a dumbass when it finally clicked one day out of nowhere

  27. HappyHappy definitely. Also maybe Onsind / One Night Stand In North Dakota? I can't remember if they're trans-adjacent or just queer

  28. Mystery Science Theater 3000! Goofballs in space riffing bad movies. Check it out next time you need something light-hearted. It's good background for a project or party.

  29. It doesn’t help when the borough / county gives millions to a charity to establish a permanent shelter and that charity takes the money and uses it to sue the Borough.

  30. Is that what happened? I remember them approving the Stowe shelter and then something falling through, but hearsay was that it was on council's end - approving the variance but then denying something about the building itself. I admit I didn't follow up to confirm details. Why did they sue?

  31. The project seems to have fallen into a void. There are articles stating issues with purchasing the land, but that was nearly a year ago.

  32. The whole situation is so frustrating. Thank you for summarizing and reminding me to dig deeper.

  33. Shrimpius Algae-eaticus for sure

  34. It certainly seems to enjoy chowing down on all the algae in there!

  35. Neocaridina from the look of it. They are pretty easy to keep.

  36. I don't know much about the early 20th century ones, but Waldameer in Erie, Pa. has a funhouse called Pirate's Cove, a walk-through kind with mirror rooms and shaking floors and the like, built in 1972. Is that the style you mean except older?

  37. If you can afford it and truly love it, buy it. You might regret losing the opportunity if you choose not to simply because you weren't sure where to put them. Art from small artists can be fleeting.

  38. Right, I think poor means "lowly" in the sense of the noble savage, which was a popular literary concept in the 18th century. They saw indigenous cultures as childlike, pure enough to find God in all things whereas in European culture God was intellectualized almost beyond reach.

  39. Quentin gets less annoying. It's hard to root for an annoying protagonist.

  40. That's good to know. I read the first years ago and while I adored the premise, I didn't want to invest more of my limited time in such an unlikeable character. If the books do get better I might consider picking them up again

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