
  1. still one of my favourite movies, and I will die on this hill.

  2. It had a set made more for a stage play than a movie and could be slow at times.

  3. Edwards playing 4 v 3 because of the Curry effect would be like 60 per night for Ant.

  4. Let me tell you something a little about why polls I should be taken with a grain of salt these days. First off regardless of who conducts the pole even the most non-partisan scientifically honest poles are still subject to methods that no longer give an accurate picture.

  5. Yeah but… the people that had land lines are the same demographic as the people that answer their cell calls from unknown callers.

  6. My relative answered the phone call because it said "Quinnipiac" on her cell phone caller ID and she pays attention to the news, politics, and polling so she knew that it was a pollster.

  7. She didn’t mishandle, she deliberately had a home server set up, failed to ensure that it met legal security standards, stored classified data on it because she couldn’t figure out how to use more than one model of Blackberry and didn’t want to have to lose access to all of her previous emails on the new devices, that they were sourcing off of eBay.

  8. You are talking about selective prosecution on one hand, and then blasting Clinton for the email thing when tons of Republicans, including both int he Bush and Trump whitehouses, were dong the same, or even more egregious things with their own email servers.

  9. Its the bus driver/bus rider phenomenon that Barkley explained, yet people still don't understand it.

  10. Draymond was so bad in the 2022 playoffs that he was benched. Klay's defense was washed.

  11. Juries tend to see judges like parent-like helpers. Juries like judges.

  12. Why are you conflating them as the same? I don't think there are any strict textualist on the court. Originalists start with the text, certainly, but the analysis goes further than that.

  13. because they are both disingenuous and not serious ideologies that are abandoned the second they want a different outcome. Neither are series at all.

  14. Justice Jackson at her confirmation described herself as an Originalist. Caring what the understanding of rights and words were when a statute or Amendment was adopted is hardly "disingenuous and not serious".

  15. no chance of success and a big waste of everyone's time. he should reconsider.

  16. `actual malice'—that is, with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not." This was the holding of 

  17. that standard is extremely high in this context. you can't just plead those words, you actually have to plead underlying facts that demonstrate them.

  18. It's a misdemeanor. real violation of the law, but the election interference is the bigger thing here, and you missed it.

  19. From the article It is a felony to abuse that privilege by doctoring records to commit or conceal crimes, even if the businessman never accomplishes the goal and even if the false records never see the light of day.

  20. right, but it had to be in order to cover up the election interference.

  21. Then a bunch of right wing trolls would coordinate efforts to shut down the likes of MSNBC and HuffPo.

  22. How many defamation suits have been won against MSNBC and HuffPo?

  23. So, your thesis is that the right-wing just doesn't want money damages?

  24. That’s exactly my point. Obama himself ordered the strike, but were willing to give him immunity for it. The Supreme Court is being asked to weight in on where that line is, and in my opinion, it’s way past time they did.

  25. You are MISSING the point. We are not talking about drone strikes. We are talking about an attempted coup.

  26. Again words in mouth. A leashed tyrant would be limited in scope powers. They couldn’t imagine nukes and such but that is one egregious power the us president has.

  27. Seems to me like an arrest without probable cause should be worth a lawsuit against the officer and the department.

  28. Fox made negative comments and cast doubt about this one juror, where is that the same as other news outlets?

  29. Fox news specifically called this juror out as untrustworthy. Other outlets did not do that. It is not the same.

  30. I didn’t watch the video. I don’t see where Fox called the juror untrustworthy. I read where Jesse reported the juror bios (same bios every other news reported)and said “I would be worried about this juror”

  31. Waters talked about "liberal plants" lying to get on the jury and then concluded with "I'm not sure about Juror No. 2" who he had listed the biographical info (job, neighborhood, etc) about.

  32. My wife was an alternate on a criminal trial a handful of years ago.

  33. Putin also has useful idiots on the far left. Russia supports both the far left and the far right in an effort to tear countries apart, make them ungovernable, and support the foreign policy goals of Russia and its allies, Iran and China. The useful idiots on the far right are tasked by Putin to sabotage aid for Ukraine. The useful idiots on the far left are tasked with sabotaging aid to Israel. This is all part of Dugin's strategy outlined in his book the Foundations of Geopolitics.

  34. The far left are outnumbered 100-1 by the far right in the US and have basically zero power in the Congress and no path at all to the Presidency. How many Dems in Congress are pushing for Putin's goals? There isn't the same sort of thing on the left in positions of power being utterly corrupted by a foreign country's propaganda.

  35. I don't think you realize how decimated Germany was after world war I, and how desperate its people were. We aren't anywhere near that yet.

  36. I don't think you realize the silo'd media averment we have now where a big part of the population hears nothing but horrible right-wing propaganda all day every day, sent right to the phone in their pocket when they aren't even home.

  37. You're right, it sounds like they want to rattle and prepare the MAGAts to arms if trump loses the election

  38. They will spill more blood if Trump wins; it will just be more legally protected. Think Brownshirts.

  39. I've been trying to stay on top of everything, but I didn't see his comment. What did he say?

  40. A Fox News host did a segment about how juror No. 2 can't be trusted, gave info about that juror (job, relationship status, neighborhood, etc) and then trump retweeted it (well, the TS equivalent).

  41. Crazy to think everything is about democracy when we aren't a democracy. We're a republic.

  42. Those terms are not mutually exclusive. We are a democratic republic.

  43. I mean I agree that the tax cuts didn’t go far enough and i support more permanent measures and support the abolishment of the IRS, but the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (or whatever it’s called) isn’t a delayed tax increase; it’s a cut that was temporary for individuals. This isn’t because of the that act but because of previous laws. Rates going back up to where they previously were is the fault of Congress for not going further with cuts. Ironically it was a Tea Party supported deficit measure from years ago that prevented the individual cuts for going further. It’s not accurate to call it a delayed increase though.

  44. Over 90% of individuals received a tax rate cut on their federal income taxes, and individuals who made less money received a higher percentage of a cut from the Trump tax cuts. Idk your specific circumstances but nearly 100% of the people who did not receive a cut were very wealthy people in very blue states who were unable to deduct as much on certain things (ie SALT) as they previously were. The Trump tax cuts should have unmasked high state taxes a bit.

  45. For most people, it's a delayed tax increase with an initial tax cut that then turns into a tax increase after Trump would be out of office.

  46. It’s not really silly, because the whole point of doing it that way was to avoid detection. The intentional deviousness of this approach should be reflected in the gravity of the charges.

  47. It’s fucking disturbing the amount of attention that’s drawn to this dude falling asleep when the shear thought of a former president being in this position should be beyond appalling. We’re seriously past the point of no return when that point alone isn’t enough entertainment for the masses. This guy is like a terrifying clown.

  48. If Biden fell asleep at the first day of his criminal trial, his candidacy would be over.

  49. He said it doesn't make sense to the interviewer questioning him. I don't see that as admitting it doesn't make sense for Sununu himself:

  50. Sununu was one of the big backers of Haley. He was doing his best to get an alternative. I was listening to an interview with him last week where he wouldn’t say Trump’s name.

  51. You only listen to the negative spin put on him. Maybe attend a rally one time just to hear him speak. It’s not as horrible as you think.

  52. He's correct about this. Is there a reason why you are fighting against reality? What part of it conflicts with your ideology?

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