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  3. Zusätzlich war ja schon die Kosten Nutzen Kalkulation von Anfang an für den Arsch aber hey. Großes Loch.

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  6. Sounds like a classic "ungrateful bastard" syndrome. Either you can communicate enough to do some kind of therapy together or you think about a long term alternative. Because this feeling can be very damaging long term.

  7. I seen a comment about trying marriage counseling and I think we should really give it a try. Some days I feel like this can be fixed.. but other days I feel like it’s beyond repair. But I guess that’s where the marriage counseling can help. 🙏🏼

  8. Hopefully you two get things back on track but always remember: suffering isn't a permanent content of any relationship. If it is, there is something fundamentally wrong.

  9. Always have your name on the gear to be easily identified. Or just go by "Dude" :D

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  12. You can skip and wait out if you're not interested. No shame in that.

  13. In california you make more at chik fila than you do as a community health worker. Even worse is care giving, family member did that for years and thank god she got out because at each place she worked she did more than the rns on staff. The only issue is alot of fast food jobs wont give you 40hrs to start.

  14. Good teachers don't make nearly enough. There is such a shortage that they will hire an alternatively certify terrible engineers as math teachers. They can't control their classrooms and teach poorly.

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  17. Danke, den Kaffee muss ich jetzt irgendwie wieder aus der dienstlich gelieferten Tastatur holen.

  18. Someone can't do the job obviously but is definitely better at negotiating and sales.

  19. You look up orthopedists in your area, check their opening hours and then go there right after they open. You tell them she has excruciating pain in her ankle. She doenst need a GP to prescribe imaging. A orthopedist will end up using an xray and ultrasound without need a GP telling them that its a good idea to do.

  20. This one, 116117 or directly through your krankenkasse. Otherwise doctolib can also help in bigger cities for something that isn't that urgent.

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