
  1. Haha while pliers are definitely not a recommended removal process and may go outside coverage terms… I do have a warranty on these so if you manage to break it I’ll replace it for free

  2. Happy to offer it my man, this is a good example of why the pin access is a plus lol

  3. Thanks, but you deserve to eat too. I'm happy to grab another one.

  4. I looked through your post history and tried to figure you out a bit, and I have to admit I think this is beyond what a friendly Reddit stranger can help you with in comments. Looks like you are on anti-depressants and I have had close friends that used them and it ultimately caused a lot of chaos and instability (not saying that's you). It looks like you are sexually outside the "norm", so that makes your process of navigating the world that much harder. I have a trans friend that had a lot of chemical and physical problems that led him to that conclusion and he carries with him/her a tremendous burden of depression and confusion since childhood. I can't pretend to know what you are going through, so I won't give you any advice. I'll be praying for you today; not sure if that means anything. I at least relate to your feeling of desperation and not relating to anyone and finding death appealing, which is why I am commenting. I walked with that for most of my life. I'm no longer in that frame of mind anymore and it took years of hard work to find some sustained happiness.

  5. It was factory installed and I removed the txv and inspected it for any debris also wouldn't a complete blockage cause the liquid pressure to skyrocket

  6. Head pressure will not actually always skyrocket in a restriction. It often does because techs like to put more refrigerant in thinking it's low.

  7. Start lifting. I’ve started lifting, am almost 40, been doing this since I was 14, and I feel stronger and better than I did before lifting. My knees don’t crack as much, my back doesn’t hurt as bad, and my shoulders hold up better. I’m still in the field but now I do restaurant repair and am the shit went sideways guy. I have a lot more energy as well. It’s not like when I was in my 20s but better now that most of my 30s. Don’t ego lift. I’m only 185 squat, 190 deadlift, and 135 bench. My back and shoulders are fucked so I take it a little bit at a time.

  8. Yup. Exactly this. Lift to promote your health, not ego.

  9. For me I've had nonstop back pain and knew that this job wasn't going to be sustainable unless I did something. So now I'm lifting weights, getting really into it, and losing weight. I feel better every week. Also, I got rid of that buttcheek wallet for a ridge wallet knockoff. Sitting imbalanced all day in a van doesn't help.

  10. My wife and I loved the first few hours and then dropped it mid-late game. Don't hate it, but it's not for us. The plot and writing was the final straw for us.

  11. Silent militia. Thats an actually horrible Song i'm sorry

  12. Well, I never listen to it. So I guess I agree.

  13. Most of Lightwork sounds uninspired and fornulaic to me. I'd rather listen to Nightwork. The differences between Children of God and Children of Dog make really evident that Lightwork lacks the Devy factor. I blame the producer.

  14. Children of Dog is so good. I wish he would stop getting people so involved with his decision making.

  15. Just looks like the sun peaking through the trees onto your lawn. It's an aesthetic.

  16. It’s sacrilege, but I prefer them to the modern production Airweights Smith has been putting out.

  17. I agree, from the many singers I've heard. He is a rare Jack of all trades, master of most. Lol

  18. I bought Agricola, but my wife and I are scared to learn it. Between real life responsibilities and other hobbies, these games are intimidating.

  19. Agricola is a surprisingly straightforward game! You start with two workers and each turn you place them out to do various farming activities (collect wood, build fences, till soil etc) and each turn a card is flipped revealing an additional available action. The first round has 4 of these kinds of turns, and each round after has fewer; at the end of each round you must feed your family by having 2 units of food per family member, or collect negative points. As the game progresses it will be helpful to produce more family members to take more actions, but at the cost of having to feed more people. The game is then scored by evaluating you in a number of areas, such as the number of cows, pumpkins or bedrooms you have. Any area you have little to nothing in will lose you points.

  20. Well that doesn't sound too bad. Thanks for the writeup, I'll have to get it out soon!

  21. Honestly good for you. I powered through Persona 3 Reload for 90 hours and hated the game by hour 15. I thought the ending was bad and I felt bad.

  22. Sounds like you might wanna make an appointment with an audiologist 😆

  23. I've tried to like it so many times... Weird because I love most of their output.

  24. I really want a 2011 but they are too spendy

  25. Hope they work for you. Nothing but problems on this end.

  26. I have 2 PSA mags and besides the occasional slide not locking back after last round, they have been flawless. About 600 rounds through them.

  27. Haven't tried the PSAs myself but I plan to get some to compare and see which I like better

  28. Yeah I think they are worth it. I like not needing to replace the mag release.

  29. I thought Marty O'Donnell (known for Halo) did a lot of the original work?

  30. O'Donnell and his collaborator Michael Salvatori worked on sound effects and such for Myst and Riven, but he didn't compose any music in the games (he did record orchestral suites for

  31. Wow! Thanks for the detailed response. Very much appreciated!

  32. Can I aggressively dethatch my yard in early fall, spread this around on top of the remaining grass and yard and then reseed and fertilize?

  33. Definitely. That would be what I would call a partial renovation. That's the exact process i recommend to anyone fighting a poa trivialis infestation.

  34. You the man. I really appreciate it. Taking notes and will do this to fix my lawn.

  35. I started at the range with first aid available. Got me "comfortable" with it.

  36. Time and again, I always go back to Deadwing. Something about “Arriving...” maybe? This album has a tendency to center my emotions when I’m out of control. Starting with the title track I grow calm, then by Lazarus I’m a person again. I’m a weirdo.

  37. Music is often the best therapy. You ain't weird at all.

  38. Point high ready bounce light off ceiling so I don't have to shoot with one hand

  39. I had to remove mine to put in an Overwatch Precision trigger. It broke. Not sure if I want to get it again. I kinda like the stock grip angle.

  40. I would rather people around me carry little revolvers instead of nothing. I want an LCR, they are fun to shoot and conceal well.

  41. It's pretty much impossible to grow from seed if you have dogs running through it right?

  42. I've seen much worse and the system performed fine.

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