
  1. Me when I spread misinformation for no reason

  2. Yeah I already have the Storywealth modpack installed and prevented it from updating the first time.

  3. Doritos are called “mountain chips” because they’re shaped like mountains

  4. Bob Berdella. Probably the worst that never gets mentioned. Targeted young men.

  5. I have never heard of him but I don't think I can go down this rabbit hole because just what you wrote was disturbing enough.

  6. It’s one of those stories so horrific that I think it doesn’t get mainstream attention for that reason. Too horrible without the “interesting” pathologies you’d find in Dahmer’s case, for example.

  7. It’s a new day, a new dawn, and a new chance to hit a few dingers

  8. The modern knight thing that OP is talking about is not HEMA where you fight with suits of medieval armor. What they’re referring to is a 3 day boot camp where you pay 10 grand for someone to yell at you, throw cold water at you and call you a bitch.

  9. I’m not someone who really cares about Swift, but I can’t help but see this place as some kind of weird reverse para-social environment. No idea why it’s even showing up on my feed.

  10. The horse is already dead no matter how many times people beat it (or worms munch on it).

  11. The letters (and activities) between James and Nora Barnacle are quite the read, and if that bed could talk I bet it would seek the nearest therapist! Lol

  12. You'll find me in the wordle chat every single day

  13. We run wordle, connections, and strands. It gets very competitive among the family.

  14. What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?

  15. I’m 33, I have two kids under 5. Got lucky with the hair so no advice there…

  16. Redfall season pass is going to be a collectors item

  17. I agree, Rollo was one of my favorites the first couple seasons and then I couldn’t believe his France arc. I kept waiting for him to betray France and help Ragnar succeed, smh. It’s hard to believe that the Rollo from season 1 would do all that just for a title, some land and a wife.

  18. I wasn’t aware of all of that. I actually haven’t finished the show, I’m on the first half of season 6 so I don’t know if the end of the show covers any of what you said. My impression and reaction to Rollo is based on his portrayal in the tv show which is obviously fictionalized to an extent.

  19. Oh don’t worry I didn’t spoil anything if you’re that far along. They don’t go much into Rollo beyond becoming Duke of Normandy.

  20. Once you leave your station, it’s fair game for someone to sub in sets

  21. lol basically we hate him because he's not black enough? lol everyone laughing as us man

  22. please. Rick Ross on IG calling him "white". hiphopheads have a white drake in their sidebar. Don't deny it

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