
  1. Dude is straight wailing and going off on that shit! Badass

  2. Where the iceberg lettuce and tomatoes, my kids love them nasty ass black olives due to taco night

  3. Nifty thing called GOOGLE might be able to tell you

  4. That new strawberry frosty is nasty AF must have come from back behind the dumpster

  5. How bout who the fuck cares if fck Biden endorses or not! do you’re fucking jobs you crooked asshat politicians and stop acting like lil bitches do what’s right🤷‍♂️ silly me they don’t know what that is

  6. If you watch his trigger hand he def did it on purpose

  7. Would tell tough shit they were all out use the damn faucet

  8. Raise that kids allowance and give her all A’s in her classes

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