
  1. Darn it, europoor ape here and even I have more than that number, imagine the rest

  2. I am a europoor and holding since 2021 after split around 3xxx shares without counting the calls deep itm i am holding

  3. Can you live stream your strategy tomorrow?

  4. If this is a short sqeeze play what all this fuss is about ?!? All the other stocks posted here doesn’t get destroyed that much and they are half solid of a llay vs GME as also the DRS% is high and very low float .. so the thesis of a short squeeze is even more probable with the company’s future even more certain and further away from bankruptcy which is not even possible mathematically before 3-4 years if they lose all revenues and profits 🤡 which we all know is impossible

  5. Thank you for this amazing and meaningful summary ! Keep up the good work 🙌🏻

  6. I had 8500 shares with revolut … 3.5K$ only as i my love is for gme .. what you just sent is nice would you think they d cover also euro apes ?

  7. We still have some unrealized upward potential until then the 🐻 better stay at hibernation

  8. Keep up the good work ! Man i am sweating for you for how long you can keep it running ! Now i don’t want to know! I am just happy for you and glad we all love our company! Buy DRS Hodl

  9. Sorry buddy but i was in a similar situation had to take the loss on etoro and buy straight away on ibkr as the money transfer didn’t take more than 2 days as etoro if i remeber correctly had an app that let you withdraw the money instantly almost. Good luck

  10. Something is cooking plus zacks strong buy for gme and Hedge fund suing the SEC for changes in short sales reporting rules … shit smells increasing

  11. People need to buy like fuck. Then we will see a full year of profitability every quarter and then we will see share prices climb.

  12. All i do is buy and all i see is people buying but if this pure manipulation and no one give a dime about it who will ??.. we have huge example of amazon and tesla who stayed really low for a long time and sunddenly out of nowhere rocketed so this is why i keep adding but at some point i got to eat also :p

  13. Honestly I think the sub boxed itself in with certain mindsets. Running off anyone who doesn't invest the way the echo chamber does. Some people have a nack for options I'm not one. If I had the funds to learn options I'd play around with it in a limited fashion on other stocks and mabye apply some to gme should I see the opportunity in the future. The pure drs is the only way mindset and everyone else is a shill has improved but it basically is a red flag to anyone just starting to look at this and IS cultish. I been here longer than that mindset so I can see past it. You might be right but you could be very wrong as well and with all your eggs in one basket. Things should be questioned and not blindly followed.

  14. Appreciate your response but to clarify something i did put all of my eggs in one basket, sur in shares and had my fair share of getting burned xxxxx$ on options that i could ve also bought with. But we know there is manipulation and so many still unanswered question.. i guess that is just frustration anyways we keep buying and drsing and holding and hopefully 84 years later we hit the rocket

  15. I wanted to post about jt i bought 25K shares tgt 0.35 then 0.5 i wanted to post a picture and ask the same question cause buy now ask later right ?! But for a reason that i cannot identify my post is not going through on this sub

  16. I don’t think they can release a number higher than 25% because it shows how the DTCC and the SEC have been at their job ! All hell will break loose

  17. Apart from the objous Negg, BETS is second in line not before 6$ !!!

  18. What is the play ? And is there something to happen this month ?

  19. What is the play ? As in what are you expecting as a potential outcome and what is the target ?

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