
  1. Ha, ha! I could’ve written exactly that. Mine is in a dark, cool place from 18 months ago . Bought from Science.Bio.

  2. Otc-online-store is legit and cheap. Just checked Infront of ever pharma by mail and they have confirmed the batch. 10ml pack for 28 usd.

  3. This. 🙌Ordered from there last week, awaiting receipt. Even with $90 tracked delivery charge , it works out much cheaper than Cosmic assuming you order circa ten 5x 10 ml packs.

  4. Hi, I’m going to order from Penchant Bio, that has very limited range but TAK is one of them. Currently out of stock, but will restock in next week.

  5. It seems that Penchant Bio is from the UK, so I will likely have the same problem with customs. I haven't tried them before, but I am pretty sure I'd have to pay customs and a service fee since the UK is outside the EU.

  6. Best wishes. I’m taking it with hope of it working as an antidepressant.

  7. You’re suffering from the inevitable PAWS. Look into to low dose Naltrexone, that restored dopaminergic receptors, BUT absolutely essential that there is no Kratom in your system, which can linger for a couple of weeks, causing horrendous precipitated withdrawals from hell.

  8. Yeah, it‘s a big difference. The gorilla glass on the VV3 is like smartphone glass, it‘s somewhat scratch resistant but it‘s not as hard as sand and other minerals. I have a few light scratches on my VV3 that are noticeable if light falls on them just right.

  9. Brilliant. Thank you so much. I think you’ve just tilted my decision towards the Grit 2.

  10. My initial plan was to sell the V3 on ebay and get a Grit X2 Pro, but since they are the same and I'm not fully convinced of the larger size and style I'm keeping the V3. Which means sure, I'll definitely at least consider the upgrade next time. That said, my guess is that it'll take multiple years for that. They'll probably first update unite/ignite and pacer/pacer pro next year to compete at lower price points.

  11. Sounds like a plan. Did you know you can get 30% off if you buy another Polar watch? Ask them . To my surprise, I enquired about fixing a 20 yr old Polar - M19 . They said it’s too old, but gave me 30% discount. What a result 😀

  12. Exercise and strengthening your large spinae erector muscles is the key to long term recovery from a disc injury.

  13. Seems you’ve now got the biggest possible incentive to quit. See it as a blessing that you now need to act on.

  14. Don’t engage with the thought OR Image . Don’t fight it. Don’t give it time. Don’t give it judgement or credence . Ignore it and then immediately focus on your breath. Engage with the sensation of breathing in and out , naturally, but make it gentle . As soon as intrusive thought or image remerges , again, gently and with little effort , go back to breathing. Keep a tab on progress over a week or two. If issue persists, it may need intervention and may possibly by OCD.

  15. Why you skipping backwards. ? To ensure best form and rope not catching your feet, skip in front of a mirror, and ensure your elbows are tucked in, and you do not raise, lower, widen the hands or elbows , so rope always the same height / distance from floor. Best wishes

  16. The stuff is legit. Some of his sprays were moldy at one time but I think this has been corrected.

  17. Thanks. Funny they only sell 4 items, one of which - Myricetin - I’ve never previously heard of .

  18. I wouldn't do anything over 8-10 km unless your pro. How I break it down is 3 runs a week. 1st- 5km - 3-4 sprints 2nd-8km - 1-2 sprints 3rd -5km - 3-4 sprints

  19. Hi, why so few sprints, ie , 1, 2 max 4 ? How long are the sprints? I make a point of doing circa 7 x 70 metre sprints at end of 5 km run . Thank you

  20. My sprints are usually telephone pole to telephone pole. Also sorry I forgot to mention my circuit when I get home from my run. I do a 5x5. So 5 different exercises 5 times with a minute rest in between. 5 clap push ups 5 jump squats 5- 10 bicycles (abs) Single leg knee up (5 each leg) 5 burpess

  21. Sorry, I’m in the Uk so what’s that distance between poles ? Good exercises by the way. I do the opposite. One exercise to point of exhaustion or during a 90 second period, repeat 3 times .

  22. Read Georgia Ede's new book. She provides guidance on how to choose between these three and how to adapt each of these for your own needs and style.

  23. Thank you very much for this recommendation. I just placed order on Amazon. 🙏

  24. I know what you mean…I have been going to meetings for my kratom addiction trying to find inspiration to quit. People liked me when I was new but after awhile they have all seemed to give up on being nice to me. A lot of them now won’t even return my calls. I guess people have a limit when it comes to compassion. It has made me want to stop going to meetings recently… but I know that would be a mistake on my part. I really have to go because it’s the right thing for ME and drop my expectations of how others will behave. I heard once that expectations are resentments waiting to happen…

  25. I Like that : “expectations are resentments wait to happen “ 🙌

  26. 62 year old here and am on day 101, after using for about 10 years. What was once a miracle drug that kept me off alcohol damn near became my downfall after diving into daily extract usage. You're doing the right thing by posting here and encouraging others to join the quitter's club. I also liked what you said about the sap of youth not lasting forever. To stay off the stuff, I recommend, in addition to posting here, the Kratom Sobriety Podcast. In fact my story is the latest episode 55 "John G". Maybe we can hear your story some day?! Anyway, keep up the good work - one day at a time!

  27. Hiya, can you provide link to the podcast, please ? Thanks


  29. Thank you. A couple of tips based on what I learnt.

  30. Thank you for advice on Zopa. Was it easy to set up as I’ll be looking to also do that.

  31. Zopa allows you to put things into different pots which I find really useful. The best interest they have is their ISA and I put everything in there. It acts like a normal saving accounts and your money is not tied up for long periods.

  32. Does people only commenting they like the book but never read it? So hard to find the answer

  33. Hi, I’m still trying to find an answer to this question, before buying one ? Any further thoughts? Thanks

  34.! they shipped from Russia in two weeks and I paid through PayPal :) crazy cheap prices but shipping is a bit expensive, still half the cost of CosmicNootropic though

  35. Yes, $90 for shipping is hefty but as you say, still works out much cheaper than competitors

  36. Blooming eck. Thank you so much for that. Is it 100% legit ?

  37. As far as I know there are only a handful of therapists uaing LDI as a therapeutic adjunct and I haven't looked into this for over a year now. Lower-dose ibo, along with many other adjuncts ranging from cannabis to psychedelics, entheogens ketamine, can serve as aids to deep memory recall and memory intensity, provided they're well-matched to the individual's psychoprofile, with a much-reduced risk of overwhelm and negative aftereffects. I can't name names but if you DM me I might have a lead or two on people working in this way, or at least who were last year.

  38. Apologies, as I just read this. I will take up your offer. Many thanks

  39. It seems that a bit of lithium orotate could work in conjuntion, It makes me loose hair even with 5 mg tho (hair thinning and breaking) i have pioglitazone, agmatine and sometimes i lithium orotate for a few days and in low doses, there are studies online.

  40. Hi, how would lithium help ? Grateful for advice. Thank you

  41. I may be of help. I've got through it many times (withdrawals) from high and low doses. There were only 2 things that helped me: Psychedelics (tryptamines) and Agmatine. The other "stuff" that was of help would not really be nootropics in any sense.

  42. Hi, Just want to say thank you for this information as I’m trying to come off Kratom, and will be using agmatine, that will also help with PAWS, after acutes, due to its NMDA Antagonist properties, that work to reduce urges brought in by severe down regulation of various receptors.

  43. Hi, is Gabapentine, just for RLS ? Does it have any other benefits for dealing with withdrawals ? Thanks

  44. Appreciate the response and best wishes in recovery

  45. Wishing you the best. How many grams of powder does one shot of extract equate to ? Ta

  46. The shots I take range from. 15-30g I believe. Was taking 50-70gpd in shots

  47. Thank you. Well done for making it to 5 days . Just don’t ever go back to shots, as I hear, they are so much more difficult to get off, of.

  48. Sorry to hear that. Wow, not judging but that some huge dose to be going ct . Well done .

  49. I just quit cold turkey last week, 100gpd. I took massive amounts of vitamin c and it did not help at all. Benadryl and melatonin are your best friends, if you can sleep you can get through this

  50. Hi, but did it help with w/d s ? Thanks

  51. I had to completely drop religion - if there is a benevolent God then they must understand I can't do religion. So agnosticism and being a good person will have to do.

  52. Question: if it was properly heated, Ie 10 minutes over hub, boiling temperature, would it have been ok ? Thanks in advance

  53. No. The bacteria in the food is only part of the issue. In food that had been left out that long, it's the byproducts of the bacteria (bacteria poo) that become a major problem, and those byproducts aren't affected by heating.

  54. Thank you so much for giving easy to understand explanation, notably heat resistant Bacteria Poo. 💩

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