
  1. I recently used trig for the first time since high school to calculate whether a fridge would fit through a doorway. Had to look up the formula to refresh my memory but knowing that is was possible to calculate and vaguely remembering what steps were involved made relearning it easy. I don’t have a super complex math heavy job but things do come up

  2. I agree with all of this. I thought the elevator scene was one of the coolest out of the two, although I saw it coming a mile away.

  3. I thought seeing it coming made it better. The maid staring at them while the doors close is creepy as fuck

  4. Shape of Water, love it but I cannot handle the scene where the creature eats a cat.

  5. It's not a mandatory custom here in the states so you wouldn't see people doing this at a fast food restaurant but it's custom and considered good etiquette when eating at nicer and more expensive restaurants.

  6. As an American I’d view sometime who puts their napkin in their lap as a little childish. It’s something that like a six year old would do bc little kids have bad motor control and spill food on themselves, I’d think an adult that did that was kind of immature or just bad at eating.

  7. That's an interesting perspective. Where are you from if you don't mind me asking?

  8. Grew up in Hawaii. Ime people from the Midwest or old people (like in their 80s) put napkins in their lap but other than that it’s just really little kids

  9. There’s a niche genre of song that I like to call a momentum killer. It’s when a writer throws a ballad/woe is me and/or look at how good our singers are song into an otherwise energetic/moving show. It’s hard to nail down a description because the show can have other serious songs, but you just feel it when everything stops to watch someone park and bark for 4 minutes (usually about something that could have been a single line or two of dialogue)

  10. apparently she’s not actually native as well

  11. She is, the article I assume you’re referring to is essentially a pack of lies.

  12. it was a quote from her sister that i saw

  13. Yeah that’s the one. Her sister just applied a weird outdated census definition of Native American to claim she isn’t native.

  14. Reflection is the object of the sentence, not mirror, so the description in the second clause would be describing the persons reflection as golden and flowery

  15. Highlander as a franchise is weird bc the very first movie introduces a cool premise then ends it. Like “there’s a whole bunch of immortals running around sword fighting. Except all but two are dead. Now there’s only one. The end.” Where are you supposed to go from there?

  16. To be fair flight of the navigator kind of loses interest in its own plot halfway through. But if you’re interested Captain Disillusion has a fantastic video on its effects

  17. Palpatine sapping strenght from Padmé to keep Anakin/Vader alive. It just makes more sense than "lost will to live"

  18. “SHE’S LOST THE WILL TO LIVE??? WHAT IS YOUR DEGREE IN POETRY? You sorry bunch of hippies, for gods sakes don’t use the billions of dollars of medical equipment around us, why don’t we all just get on our knees and pray??!? WE DON’T HAVE KNEES YOU MOTHER FUCKERS!”

  19. Someone compile filmmaker’s weird analogies of their failed projects

  20. Guillermo del toro said mimic was like having a beautiful daughter and watching her arms get cut off

  21. FoV (width) is a function of sensor size and focal length together. A 14mm isn’t “wide” on its own… it’s quite wide when placed on a full frame sensor… but 14mm on 2/3” sensors common in TV would be considered “normal, almost tele”

  22. Thanks for the suggestions, its hard to find stuff that wide for the mft, I'm considering getting an adapter.

  23. Oh no you’ve been bit by the crop factor misinformation bug. Don’t feel bad this isn’t your fault…I blame YouTube.

  24. That makes sense, the examples I looked up were all stills photography so I see where I got my wires crossed.

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