
  1. Uncommon but not in very good condition

  2. Could you imagine telling the mid-30s balding dude playing Jund at your LGS in 2013 that one day Tarmagoyf would be so mediocre they start letting you make tokens of it?

  3. Bro I’ve got a full head of hair and can’t believe it after being involved with goyf transactions north of the $100 range

  4. Ken Griffin won’t exit his short positions

  5. Do these cards actually have cryptos in them?

  6. Brewers fan here: we mainly show up for the tailgating

  7. Can you provide facts that back up the claim about short game?

  8. On a 350 yard hole, after the tee ball, there’s an approach shot, then it’s all wedges and putter

  9. Hit some chips, circle drill for 4-8 foot putts, some lag putts then stretch out with the orange whip

  10. Cosmetic. Can be sanded or buffed out

  11. Everyone was making fun of me for having silver and GME. Now I’m up on my silver position and doubling down on my GME position. The CFTC controls MOASS and I’ve got them fucked on both sides.

  12. I like how quickly they removed that data point

  13. 180 all-in to defend the line, those were the days haha

  14. We fought hard at the battle for 180

  15. I don’t want Rory to win because of how much drama the LIV thing has been

  16. This is a good thing because then your friend gets unemployment benefits for 6 months

  17. Almost perfect setup. I would add a 50 degree wedge for longer pitch shots

  18. Breaking 70 is all wedges and putting

  19. No. You need to hit it relatively long off the tee and keep it in play too if you are going to be breaking 70.

  20. Pick a short and wide open course

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