
  1. You Like cherries -> buy cherry tree -> watch tree grow -> watch all the cherries grow -> wait patiently until the cherries ripen -> suddenly begin to hate every bird that comes within 50m of your plot

  2. They have a Facebook account called guerrilla gardening Reading. They post when they are working on it and you can join them. I think it’s great and really brightens your day to see how something that could be so ugly has been taken care of.

  3. You’re welcome. I keep meaning to join them but I always find the posts too late. I did walk past them once while they were gardening and told them how much it brightened up my day. The lady was really nice, as you would expect from someone who was just doing their bit to make the world a little bit better.

  4. Which biryani powder did you use? Or do you mean make the biryani powder by grinding the star anise etc?

  5. I remember one girl at university who casually said that all men without a big hairy chest, shouldn't be allowed to show any naked chest at all.

  6. Not only is she rude, she sounds pretty full of herself as if people should only exist if they are aesthetically pleasing to her. I would totally disregard her opinion as look at the men getting their hair waxed and using lasers to get what you have. Think of the pain people go through to be like you.

  7. It’s a horse skull. Poor Boxer. What a horrible end that made me sad. Lovely design

  8. Reading all of these responses is nice and I appreciate the advice everyone is giving me. I'm definitely going to try and do a few more new things. That being said I do go to the gym a few times a week. I go bowling once a week. I work a lot of my week. After even all of that the second I get home and I'm all by myself I just feel so empty and lonely. A little backstory about myself is I had a great childhood up until I was 14 then my mother passed away my step dad stopped being a dad and my brother turned into a drug addict. I had to move to a different state where people were a lot different than I was used to away from all of my friends and memories. I eventually thought I would get over feeling abandoned by life but now I'm 33 and I still feel like that. Most people don't understand or get me because I'm an attractive guy who smiles a lot with a decent personality but deep down I just barely feel joy.

  9. You might have functional depression. On the surface all is fine, you can do everything that society expects but you have lost the joy in your life. You have suffered grief and trauma and your feelings of abandonment may be the source of your depression. Try finding groups dealing with grief as talking to someone that has been through it can help. It lets me know there is a light at the end of the tunnel- that one day there will be joy. Until then seek out the things that bring you joy. Exercise, if possible in a group sport as that will help you feel part of a community. Volunteer to make a change.

  10. I love the younger pic. Look at that cute smile. Nothing at all to worry about in either one

  11. Well my first response would have along the lines of make it yourself or starve, but since you want to be nice- I think it might be classic ‘ I want mummy’s food’ so ask mom in law for recipes. It will give you a chance to bond maybe? Or let him find a recipe online? Seriously though? The it’s a woman’s job thing would make me make the food extra horrible and give him severe indigestion but you do you.

  12. My MIL is one of a kind. According to her - everything has to go in their house their way. We r in US and she lives in India. She is active person no doubt but will encourage her son to make me snacks at home such as gathiya, bundi, sweets etc etc. I agree some food are cheap and healthy when made home but she is house wife who has plenty of time in her hand and we r working people. And as some users said - yes he always says things - in my house we don't cook it this way or that way ask my mom for recipes.

  13. You are out of India means all rules are off. You can’t work like a housewife and work outside as well. You need support like any other woman in the US. Tell him to help you in the kitchen and try and recreate your mil’s recipes. It sounds like he’s just missing home but really he is with you in the here and now. Forget what was- look at what is -and work as a team or you will both be miserable

  14. I love museums. I try to go to one in any city I visit- not just art but history, science or quirky little collections. My mum loved knowledge and learning as it’s all linked. The thoughts of yesterday explain our conditions and choices today. That said she only took us to a handful of museums- but her attitude- appreciation and discussion of how the past influences today made me enjoy museums. I never studied art in university but would read books or watch documentaries. Also, London is terribly expensive but if you want a day out and it’s cold and raining or hot and too crowded, museums are a quiet little oasis of warmth, calm and dim lighting. They have seats as well. Most importantly, they’re free! If you like a painting- there are explanations as to what to look for, why they are important.

  15. I find if I use paste it takes a lot longer to caramelise and if you put too much in the pan it boils rather than fries. So use a thin layer of onion, more oil and cook like my grandma used to- wait for the correct cooked onion smell. It will take longer but you get a smooth sauce.

  16. I think there a lot more nuance to this. Yes no one can get you out of depression- you have to do the work but people do try to help- doctors, friends, charities all try to do their best even when sometimes they don’t even know you. If you are in a burning building we have firefighters that risk their lives to save you, EMTs that rush to your aid, E R docs that work till physically shattered so you make another day. We have checks and balances, social workers, teachers, doctors and many others that try to spend this whole life teaching, guiding and helping others. I think of this quote by Mr Rogers- When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping. Fred Rogers

  17. I agree with you where jobs are concerned but most definitely not relationships. In a lot of social settings there are people who are central- for instance moms or grandmothers that insist everyone comes together for the holidays- when that person dies, I have seen some families just drift apart. There are the social glue that holds those people together and will never be replaceable. I volunteer at an organisation that was started by a wonderful woman who was full of compassion and energy- she talked to everyone like they were important and now that she has stepped down- everyone says it’s not the same and the number of people has drastically reduced. Some people get others together- they organise and reach out and help. They are sorely missed. Be that person.

  18. Mine is a sports bra I picked up in a supermarket for about £11. It has a zip front and little hooks as well to actually hold it closed while you do up the zip - those are a game changer because every other zip up sports bra is a bit of a wrestling match to subdue and zip at the same time. It inexplicably gives amazing cleavage while also being supportive and comfortable.


  20. Sewing person here. In the end, it's a choice between do they want actual, functional pockets—or do they want the clothes to fit smoothly?

  21. I bought cargo pants and the pockets were fake! Why do that? The thing looked like a bulky pocket along my leg but had nothing inside. The leg was a loose fit so it had nothing to do with fit. All the pockets in my husband’s cargo pants can fit cargo. Mine were an empty fully functioning zip.

  22. I like ironing. Every time I do I remember my mom or grandma ironing while we chatted. They both thought it helped kill germs but I only do it as I love the look and feel of freshly ironed bedding. I put some tv on that I like and take my time. It’s a zen thing.

  23. I just realized you were probably asking what MEN would put in there. No idea.

  24. I can’t personally verify what they wear under them. Someone from Turkey would have to answer that one.

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