
  1. I think if NBC gets Basketball again I think something similar can happen with indycar. Have a playoff game at 1, and the race right after.

  2. Got to see them in action, but brother do these reek

  3. Ok let’s say he isn’t fiddling kids. He still has people on payroll that has (Baka). Why is he keeping these people around and paying them??

  4. Well, don't break the law then I guess?

  5. Cops shouldn’t let people break the law then catch them. They should be preventing people from doing so in the first place.

  6. I genuinely hate politicians, but brother if they get Andretti in F1 I will not hate them for about 5 minutes

  7. You don’t see batman and bruce wayne in the same room

  8. When did cavs fans turn into browns fans??? So much doom

  9. I need him in the tightest pants, and him to have the purest of all cocaine

  10. Weren't those shipping containers like brand new? Whyd they tear them out so quick?

  11. Not brand new, but I’d say put in within the last 10-ish years. They took them down because:

  12. Makes sense. I remember going to a game years ago and they weren't there, them another relatively recently where they were. They looked empty at the time. I remember wondering what they were for.

  13. If I remember correctly, there used to be seats up there before the containers were installed. I think the owners just took them out to avoid the empty seats.

  14. Hedges is terrible offensively. I mean bottom of the barrel. But he his a great mentor to Bo, defensively, a great framer, and a hall of fame teammate n

  15. Nah fuck Billionaires they can pay for their own shit

  16. yeah, idk why the citizens of cleveland have to pay for the stadium whilst getting nothing in return. billionaires love to socialize the cost, and privatize the profits.

  17. the glazing of a billion dollar corporation is real.

  18. we yearn for hoods and cloaks in our video games!

  19. planning on taking the red line. hopefully it’s not too busy

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