
  1. Zbz says:

    How do the Heat do this

  2. Between people who will never actually be affected by any of this.

  3. No, you wouldn't. Nto to mention a 4 bedroom house was way out of the norm even in that time period. Normal was a 2 br split level 1500sqft house

  4. Depends where you live I guess. My parents had a 3 bedroom house and paid less than 200k. And it was a nice house. They made probably something like 75k combined. That house is now well over 600k. With the current interest rates you'd need to be making at least 200k to even think about purchasing a house like that.

  5. I mean unless you simply cannot wait and NEED to BUY a house immediately (which is never an immediate need, but is a preference) then someone making 200k wouldn't even think about interest rates, they could just buy a 600k house outright after working 5 years

  6. Supporting a family of 4? I doubt it. And while you aren't paying mortgage, you are still paying rent. Which around there is probably going to be around $2300 a month of a 3 bedroom house. Anything smaller would be pretty rough for a family of 4.

  7. I had roommate several years ago that was managing a small games store. The big boss would come in sometimes and say something like, "Yesterday was April 23 and you made x dollars, but last year on April 23 you made more than that, what did you do wrong this year?"

  8. From my experience CEOs and executives mostly look at data. Spreadsheets, reports, etc. They take almost no account for real world factors. Just data. Which is why their decisions make so little sense to the public sometimes. Sales are down! Raise prices! But the sales are down because of the prices...

  9. I mean you can still understand real world factors via data. You just have to actually belong in that field which means countless hours mulling every single possible factor that could impact your KPIs.

  10. Oh absolutely. The problem is in my experience they are looking at what is essentially raw data. Sales are down. Costs are up. And the immediate solution is to either fire people, cut corners, or raise prices. No introspect into the potential consequences.

  11. I'm also legit afraid for her, because he got angry and possessive. 🥺 Combined with her naivety in general and how dangerous this guy is when threatened, tbh I think he's terrifying.

  12. I mean she seems like she understand the culture and it seems like this is the culture there when it comes to interactions between males and females. Shit this guy might be one of the "good" ones.

  13. I suspect sabotaging the wedding was MOH’s goal and OOP thwarted it by screaming when she saw what was going on and bringing Joanna to her senses.

  14. I think this is just their lifestyle and they wanted her to be part of it too. Probably figured all the girls were cheating.

  15. What even is girl/bro code? Every situation where someone has said that IRL has been one where there's been cheating or attempted cheating.

  16. I've never associated girl/bro code as lying or manipulating others for them. It's just saying you will be there for them when they need it. But situations I can think of is something like a breakup, fight, death, etc. Doesn't mean lying to spouses about cheating though.

  17. Bunch of people also effectively threw their votes out in a Dem primary over the whole Gaza thing.

  18. I get excited every time I see or hear something about Trump. Biden isn't my first choice, but at this point I will take Biden in a heartbeat if the other option is Trump.

  19. because she wants to have you to herself, even if she doesn't want to commit more.

  20. Also probably figured it wasn't going to be that easy for him to find another chick to hookup with.

  21. Similarly, it's not like we pulled money from other programs or policies.

  22. She wants him to look it up, not find it, and agree with her. She doesn't want him to actually look it up, it's just a bluff. Like "everyone is doing it"

  23. Watched it Christmas Day. My wife went to make dinner and told me to not pause it.

  24. Take nothing for granted folks. Show up and vote your asses off in November.

  25. Mostly because these polls are just temp checks. They are not remotely indicative of how the election will actually go.

  26. I miss the times when stupid shit like this made person completely un-electable.

  27. Everything coming out about how the spotters were brushed off is appalling. There were investigative reports in Israeli media and i remember watching it with friends with our mouths agape.

  28. I think it's similar to 9/11. There were a lot of signs, red flags, and information being sent about a possible attack. Much like the US, they just simply didn't think something of this scale was possible.

  29. Unlike 9/11, the Gaza Strip is right next to Israel. Israel has some of the most advanced intelligence gathering capabilities in the world and they keep Gaza and the West Bank under a microscope.

  30. Never underestimate complacency. I think part of why they didn't think an attack of this scale was possible was exactly because of everything you said. They felt secure. They probably figured they'd try something, but that it would be squashed quickly. Or at worse a handful of deaths.

  31. Worse still, she’s been angling to get Trump’s VP nod

  32. I can't imagine him taking her as his VP after losing the governor race in a swing state.

  33. Well my gf says she’s annoying but she’s saying it only because she knows she’s the biggest girl in the friend group and probably doesn’t feel good about it. I still don’t think that’s a reason to make a comment to my gf about cheating on me.

  34. Your GF does realize that not only is her friend being an asshole, but her comments are also racist. The idea that you should apologize to her is absurd IMO. She needs to be corrected, not coddled.

  35. Crazy part is the main reason she got caught was she willingly pushed for an interview and the guy just wrecked her. And the cherry on top was asking if she paid taxes on all they money she's made to which she said no.

  36. Not going to lie, I got a chuckle out of reading his comment. And I feel confident about the writing "his" lol.

  37. If they solve the border crisis, they won't have anything left to blame Democrats for.

  38. That and there is no easy fix for the border. Every policy I've seen from any side when it comes to dealing with illegal immigrants is some one of or some combination of just kill them, ignore them, give them safe harbor, or just keep them anywhere that isn't the US.

  39. Then it suddenly became a crisis again in 2018.

  40. The timing of this report couldn’t be any better, if shareholders vote to pay Musk more than Tesla has made in net income since inception after doing all this damage… i won’t feel one bit of remorse for the losses retail investors will continue to see.

  41. Elon seems to be intent on running Tesla for taxi driving services, automated and not, and vanity projects like Cybertruck.

  42. Is there an actual real image of Trump even present in a church?

  43. He also claimed that they just follow the legal rules when it comes to censorship. Which is odd because he isn't fighting the regulations in countries like Saudi Arabia but is in Australia. So weird.

  44. They literally do though. Crazy how election deniers don't even bother trying to understand how elections work. 

  45. They are freaking out over a problem they can't prove exists.

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