
  1. And a small dab of Vaseline on the windscreen just in front of the wiper. Next time they use their wipers, they’ll get a nice thin streak.

  2. A Crayola crayons on a warm day is another good one... Especially if your victim is especially offended by the idea of a certain rainbow flag...

  3. Nothing in particular. I like a good sci-fi show, so there's all kinds of parts that tickle that bone, and I find myself wanting to know more when I see a short clip. But then I go and start from S01e01 and find myself bored outta my brain after 2 or 3 eps

  4. There isn't a story, not really. If you're waiting to be "invested" you're watching the wrong show

  5. Less invested, more interested. Might just not be for me.

  6. No, that's way too honest to use as an know what? Fuck it. Go ahead. Most people are too stupid to realize it's talking shit about them anyway.

  7. I see it pop up every now and then...

  8. I had bedroom conversations with the Wifey over this many times. Like, did the internet make people stupid, or were they this way all the time, and we just didn't know about them until the internet brought us all together?

  9. People haven't changed, the internet has just put more of the stupid people in front of you.

  10. NAL, but all I can say is try and keep a level head. It sounds like she might be trying on some shady shit, and the only way you come out of it on top is to remain the bigger person.

  11. Oh no you just met by far in my opinion the most hated screws of all time aka the torx security screws with a pin in the middle. It can be opened by drilling out or breaking the pin in the middle and using a normal torx screwdriver. Or dril a small hole into a torx screwdriver and then it will become compatible for both types of torx

  12. This is security hex, not security torx. Still only about aud$30 for a half decent set of wrenches to suit them.

  13. I hadn't even finished watching it!

  14. Pretty sunset. I need to get to Australia, what are some must sees?

  15. There is so much, I don't even know where to start!

  16. I asked my wife and she still hasn’t stopped laughing.

  17. I asked this guy's wife too, now we're all laughing

  18. Australia Post has this wonderful invention called Parcel Lockers. They deliver promptly, securely and I can pick up the parcel where and when I want.

  19. JFC this parcel collect business is farked.

  20. Turns out the parcel from my OP wasn't even addressed to the LPO it turned up at and was originally addressed to the Parcel Locker across town.

  21. Nope. And their response was pretty abysmal too.

  22. I saw this one the other day, from a prototyping point of view, I think it looks pretty handy!

  23. Rolls? What in the west Australian fuck are you using rolls for?

  24. They’re all rolls here mate what are you on about

  25. Rolls? That bloody in Australian mate! Fresh white bread (bonus points for being the cheapest you can get) or nothing.

  26. Grey suit, yellow tie and yellow tophat obviously...

  27. Just re-read that... For some reason my brain went to cockatiel instead of cocktail.

  28. Snags and sangas always taste better when someone else makes them for you.

  29. Not blindfolded, but we had a guy join our club years ago, who was 100% blind.

  30. I use a password manger but I still keep a written copy just in case of something weird I guess.

  31. I use a password manager, and the frequency at which I am forced to change passwords would render any notebook useless in a matter of months.

  32. Probably to avoid those who call it a parmi, it’s Parma

  33. My wife and kids get me a Freddo icecream cake every year.

  34. A Parmi is a chicken breast, crumbed with Napoli sauce, virginian ham and cheese.

  35. There are usually local buy nothing groups on Facebook that love kids' clothes. My sister isn't exactly hurting for money but when her kids were very young she would get big bags of stuff off Facebook to clothe them, then pass them on to the next family afterwards. Just about every kid in town probably wore those clothes at some point!

  36. All good if you're on Facebook. I've found it's not worth the hassle and have just walked away from it.

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