
  1. No quite - I said I would do it. But what more can there be besides hang out together, support each other, share responsibilities, have intimate time

  2. I’m beginning to resent you and you’re not my husband. She’s told you what she needs. Have you listened this poorly your entire marriage?

  3. I’m convinced whoever styled her for this talking head hates her. By far her worst look for me

  4. This Dorit post will definitely create a scene on RHOBH where the ladies call each-other shocked and ask "Did you see what Dorit posted on instagram?" "I did / didn't expect that..." ( and Sutton & Garcelle will probably be shady about it on the phone, and Garcelle will laugh ) and this entire episode ( likely the next one too ) will revolve around this scene. They're filming it right now as i'm writing this.

  5. Lmao I have my water bottle, my coconut water, and my strawberry dr pepper 😅😂

  6. The strawberries and cream diet Dr Pepper absolutely slaps

  7. IMO the best parts of Texas are the history and the food. Houston has the food, hit up the popular restaurants and you will have a good time.

  8. Yall also have incredible museums.

  9. Girl, I think they were about to commit a crime. I don’t think Walmart’s loss prevention does this kind of thing.

  10. that would be scary. especially since you had your son in car. i would have probably said “can i help you? or am i in your spot?” something benign but acknowledging their bs. hugs

  11. Also keeping glass looking clean and not dusty is a battle I do not voluntarily fight

  12. I just had a flashback of Vince staring through the window of the garage door at Brandi and Kim on the driveway losing it after poker night and I can’t stop laughing

  13. Mary Morris murders. 2 women with the same name found murdered days apart in the same area of town

  14. Maybe a hit where the hitman wasn’t sure which was the right Mary Morris? So he did both to be certain?

  15. Used to live near Calder rd. In the suburb I was in, they were clearing an area nearby for new houses and had to stop because they found a body. Never heard anything more of it but I wonder if it was connected to those killings or not.

  16. I think that it wasn’t necessarily the work of one killer but more of a convenient spot to dump bodies with an easy get away due to the busy highway corridor and have them remain missing for awhile.

  17. His down vote prevented repeal of Obama care. According to AP

  18. The republicans shift to the right would leave him more in the moderate Democrat territory honestly. I think he would be appalled at what has happened in the last 6 years.

  19. It sounds like you shared a really beautiful life together. I’m sorry for your loss.

  20. Invisible Life of Addie Larue - no question

  21. Grief counseling stat. You lost the most important being in your life and it’s ok and understandable to need help. I’m sorry that you lost your Bella

  22. I was coming here to say Morocco. My jaw was on the floor during that whole trip.

  23. My husband and I were binging RHONY and we needed a break from the franchise after that trip. It was just…a lot. Ramona and Sonja being in their worst peak form.

  24. Pretty sure she has but I will say it's done pretty tastefully, doesn't have that gross bolt-on super fake look

  25. Many get boob jobs and they’re not in your face. Also, instead of getting lifts, many opt for breast implants to “lift” because the recovery is less intensive. Tasteful plastic surgery should never be noticed. I think a lot of people would be surprised by everyday people who have had work because they’re conditioned to think that plastic surgery is noticeable.

  26. I’m so sorry for your loss. We were also in a position of a health issue rapidly escalating and then also making the “right” decision even though it felt so wrong to us. I don’t have a lot of words to make it better. Grief isn’t linear and the emotional pain waxes and wains. Sometimes I’m ok and sometimes I’m curled up in a ball in the shower wailing because it hits me like a cannonball all over again. Cry when you need to.

  27. I crossposted, if it was me i would have talked to the neighbors right away

  28. Can you link us to the original post? Or insist the person taking this photo do something? Depending on the heat and availability of water, this is animal abuse

  29. I had a similar growth experience. I’m ashamed of my prior small-mindedness but it gives me hope that people can radically change for the better.

  30. He posts inappropriate videos of his son, most recently one discussing his penis size and one where the boy is naked and talking about touching himself.


  32. Did you collect these over time or did you go hunting for perfect gallery wall items? I’m always curious how people come by their collection!

  33. Charlie, is what my partner screamed when they saw them😭😂

  34. Charles when he’s in trouble for sure

  35. It’s a good thing you didn’t pay for it. I received a similar looking couch that I ordered online. It was supposed to be black and it was brown. I would not accept it. Sent it back on the truck told American express that it was not what I ordered and I was not able to get my money back.

  36. I have never had Amex turn down any dispute—especially a clear cut one like that. That’s crazy.

  37. Do people even say fleek anymore? If anything that’s millenial slang. The girl who made the vine was like late teens back in the mid 10s. It’s definitely something a 30 something would still say earnestly, not gen z

  38. Millennial dropping in to say no 30-something is saying fleek. I’m trying not to be insulted by the suggestion that we would or still do.

  39. Telling me you don't say fleek is ultra not fleek. Do you even wwhhhhhaaaazzzzzzzuuuuupp when you answer the phone? Prove your millennial status homeslice.


  41. Was recently in some Swedish grocery stores and it really didn’t feel that different from the U.S. in terms of how people interacted.

  42. I feel like this gives handmaids tale the show but not necessarily the book? Either way, recommend both!

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