
  1. Deadlifts are more of a lower back/hamstring exercise. If you want more size on your legs I would suggest dropping the weight and doing slow, controlled RDLs, but neither are going to build a huge upper back.

  2. Their names start with the letter E

  3. Shit, I just realized I'm on the road to having all mine start with the letter S.

  4. I have a kid and I still workout 6x a week without missing. If you want it bad enough you’ll get it, people just like to make excuses

  5. I have two and I'm a single (well, widower) parent. I just go at 5 in the morning 6x a week.

  6. I love RDLs so I’ll keep that but switch to hack squats then. Never loved squats due to my proportions from being a taller guy so I won’t be too sad if I take then out

  7. Honestly - the tall guy thing is easily mitigated. I'm a tall fucker with 51-52% of my height being legs, and, while my strength in squats are lower than most people, my quads get a lot out of them. I just keep a slightly wider stance, my toes are pointed a bit wider, I wear a belt, and use Olympic shoes.

  8. my point was that if OP is trying to minimize fatigue and doesn’t want to prioritize legs anyway, there’s really no point in doing back squats unless he really loves them. Leg press and hack squats are perfectly fine options to maintain quad size

  9. I was more addressing his point about being tall and long legged being a detriment. Barbell squats have the advantage of not needing much glute isolation compared to just hack squats and leg presses, but I agree it's perfectly fine to switch to leg press or hack squats completely. Hell, I'll probably do it myself once my back squat is high enough.

  10. Uhhh...natties can still look obviously muscular in normal clothes. It just takes 5-10 years before you get there.

  11. For quite a few people, it literally takes that long for them to look muscular in normal clothes. That was the point his post.

  12. Is it OK to do only hammer curls for one workout and only bicep curls for another (so hitting biceps 2x a week)? Will I miss out on a lot of gains compared to doing both hammer curls and bicep curls on the same day, twice a week?

  13. You're not. You don't even have to do hammer curls. For a lot of people (myself included,) hammer curls only really hit the forearm like reverse curls biceps don't feel a thing and my rep number doesn't change if I go to failure on something like Bayesian curls before hand.

  14. Try hammer curl on cables with a rope attachment brother. Let that shit stretch you to the bottom and then pull maximal length of elbow joint without involving shoulder flexion.

  15. That's what I do. Hits my forearms with a lot of burn...and nothing on the biceps. That's AFTER cable curls that gave me a huge bicep pump.

  16. I don't know why you all are so desperate to bulk up. Downvote me all you want, but having a nice, tall, athletic build (so running and going to the gym) is a dream for most people and will allow you to age well and healthy with regards to your heart, joints, back, etc.

  17. You don't need to devote your time to fitness. An hour 4x a week is enough for lifting and getting muscle for years and 20-30 minutes three to five times a week for cardio is not that much of commitment.

  18. I developed general anxiety after my wife passed away.

  19. I waited until you were 26 to actually get married. That's the difference between you and most HS sweethearts - most HS sweethearts get married at late teenage years/early 20s and end up not really accepting that the person they're with had changed as they got older/matured. I'm certainly not the same person I was when I was 18...fuck, I'm not even the same person I was when I was 29/30 and I'm 33 (granted, a lot of life happened in the last three years, but yah know.)

  20. This was always my assumption. It's not that 50% of marriages end in divorce, it's that people who do divorce usually have multiple divorces jacking up the percentage.

  21. The divorce rate isn't 50% regardless and hasn't for quite a long time. It's actually gone way down as time goes on from when that 50% statistic was even made.

  22. I eat about .78g of protein per pound of body fat on a cut (so 219.) I was eating the full 280, but it was hard to keep the protein high, calories down and feeling half-way decent (as in, of this year.)

  23. Honestly, not an "Isayama forgor" moment. This is pretty believable and cool. The original human probably just had that scar, or the titan just has that special feature since conception. If this dude was part of the main cast he would be probably one of the coolest characters and no one would complain about his design.

  24. Well...maybe but not really? That would be a more reasonable answer and make sense...but that's not what was written. Between Whis' instruction of "find your own UI that works with YOUR body because MUI ain't it," and Vegeta pointing out that Goku is fighting more like a Saiyan in True UI, the point was that TUI is the form of UI that was meant for Goku's body to build a base from.

  25. Not any more stress than regular curls for the wrist - actually less due to the neutral grip instead of supinated.

  26. I don't agree - barbell, ez bar, db curls put some stress on my forearms. With hammer curls, the limiting factor are always my forearms (and I dont feel much of anything in my biceps with those.) And there's a growing trend (RP, Winney the trainer, Jeff Nippard, ect) that have pointed out that hammer curls are better for brachialis + brachioradialis more than they are for the biceps.

  27. That’s fine if you don’t agree. I’m saying what’s actually true for many people with forearm/wrist issues.

  28. I meant the trend being that they're actually stating the biomechanics, as opposed to people would say the hammer curl was strictly a bicep exercise.

  29. Flickering is a thing with anything that has better contrast than a normal IPS panel - even ips panels with 1500:1 contrast get it sometimes. VA and OLED get it because it's not a problem with the panel - it's a problem with VRR. VRR has to be fixed.

  30. There’s two ways to approach this, are deloads specifically required in the case that there is a measurable decline in hypertrophy if you do not deload, and looking at the whole picture of one’s life and asking would a deload benefit me.

  31. RP had a video with Menno where he went over several studies that indicated deload weeks aren't necessary and don't increase hypertrophy...unless you're purposely overreaching and you're forced to. He seems to indicate that it's better to just deload one muscle group for one session and that is adequate.

  32. Is there any actual studies that show rir any important? If we control for volume ofc.

  33. There's a metastudy floating around that showed it. 1-3rir showed a single digit % difference in muscle growth compared to complete failure, basically.

  34. Anecdotally, I have found a massive difference in fatigue cost between training to failure or 1-2 rir

  35. I have too, but bringing up anecdotal evidence in this sub can be a can of worms.

  36. Add both. They train isolated different parts of the forearm. Reverse curls and wrist curls do not isolate the same muscles.

  37. A lot of people say "Forearms recuperate very fast." Which, is valid. You have to go in slowly though and see if that's the case with you.

  38. There's no magic to it. There's no tricks. Go to the gym 3-6 times a week (4 is probably the best for most people - I'm a goofy asshole and go 6 days.)

  39. I used MyFitness pal for years. It was decent, but missing quite a bit.

  40. If you want strength, you have to lift low reps (think 4-6) further away from failure.

  41. Having strength blocks can help with hypertrophy periods. No reason not to run 1-2 per year

  42. Hasn't that not bore out in research though? RP and other channels have covered it, and hypertrophy phases help strength phases more than the other way around. It's like one of those "logically it's sound, but in reality it's completely different."

  43. I just have one question about lower day. Is it not wrong to do a bb squats and hack squats at the same session?

  44. No, why would it be wrong? You won't be able to put your all and lift as heavy on the second squat, but that's fine.

  45. Underarmour tends to make things longer than normal ans have tall sizes.

  46. I do love me some HDR and 240hz.

  47. My gym is too fucking busy after work, so I go at 5 in the morning. But I have a desk job.

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