
  1. I get notifications from my cc company within less than a minute of a charge being posted to my card.

  2. Those somethings are the additional expense and the insane expectations of care that modern society puts on parents to be optimal parents. 

  3. Maybe people just don’t want kids because they don’t need to anymore?

  4. People never needed to have kids. Having kids has always been a mix of benefits and drawbacks. Move off of farms removes one major benefit, as does reducing childhood mortality. The increasing expense and expected time commitments of modern parenting are major drawbacks.

  5. I'm sure it came up, but if OP was jacking around or asleep in class then they probably missed it. All derision aside, imagine if you make a C that means you didn't even know up to 30% of what was on the test right after you studied it. Then 20 years later they are reading about it again on reddit. There's a pretty good chance they just forgot.

  6. I have tutored students who were sure their teacher never covered something in class, despite me being able to see it written in their notebook.

  7. We have one in the US called “Salt Lake City.” Drove through there last winter north to south and seemed like a 75 miles long city. It was at night so maybe they just have a lot of lights 😂 and few people. But it seemed endless for a city.

  8. The Salt Lake metro area is hemmed in by Utah Lake, some mountains, and the Great Salt Lake on the west and the Wasatch Mountains on the East. It is fairly long North to South, at close to 100 miles, but it is also much wider than the Line.

  9. Scales like this don't measure your body weight. They measure the force the the scale exerts on you. When you are just standing there, gravity pulls down on you with a force that equals your weight and the scale pushes up on you with this same force, and you stay in place and the force the scale exerts on you is just your weight, so the scale reading matches with your weight.

  10. Maximizing time in the market is almost always the better option. Put it all in now.

  11. I use “toodles”, as we depart. To my hoodest homies. In public. I’m a 5’11 black man with dreads. 😂😂 Always makes someone double take or start laughing.

  12. Just wait until your beginner crew has a nice rally of several shots back and forth, and one person says "nice volley."

  13. I twitch every time this happens. Some of the people saying it aren't beginners. I tried nicely pointing it to a serial offender that the term is rally, as a volley is a hit on the ball before it bounces on your side. It didn't stick.

  14. I have taught a lot of beginners.

  15. Being in the non-volley zone (NVZ) means you are in contact with the ground on any part of the lines that form the border of the non-volley zone (NVZ) or the area they enclose.

  16. You know what? It sounds silly, but this post got me curious, and in looking quickly though the USAPA rulebook, I can see where someone might come away with the incorrect impression this guy did. Maybe someone can point me to a different place the double-bounce rule is mentioned in the rulebook, but as far as I can see, it's mentioned in two places:

  17. See section 7, fault rules. During play, as soon as any one of these occurs, a fault has occured and the rally is over. Thus, if your opponent hits their return into the net (7A), or out of bounds (7B) or any of the other things listed occurs before the ball bounces on your side of the court, the rally is over and the player who commites the fault and the consequence of commiting a fault is described elsewhere, section 1, 3.A.13, 4.B.3, 4.B.5.c, etc. In this case, the serving team scores a point (section 1, 4F, 4G)

  18. 7A isn't about hitting a return into the net, it's about a serve or return not bouncing before being struck. In fact, 7A only adds to the potential thought that the ball needs to be allowed to bounce on each side before a point can be scored.

  19. Recently had this happen to me. I thought the instructions were very sparce so I thought I'd shared a detailed step-by-step of what I had to go through to actually solve my problem. I recommend following the recommendations. But if you are impatient like me this may help anyone out there who will probably face the same problem.

  20. Apparently the whole equation confused me but mostly I was trying to use 5th grade math, these explanations, while obviously correct, seem way too advanced for his grade. I might be wrong about that though (I’m just the aunt here lol).

  21. They are giving him an algorithm so he doesn't have to come up with the equations.

  22. IF your opponents interfered with your ability to hit the ball it would be a distraction:

  23. idk if it's a distraction. they weren't distracting me. they were just in my way.

  24. Muscle stiffness. Slow warm-ups, cool downs, and stretching become imperative, and recovery takes longer. Overall decline in energy. I used to have to go exercise to get rid of energy. Now I have to motivate myself to get up off the couch. Poorer quality sleep and trouble sleeping in.

  25. We have a great relationship. It is smooth sailing almost all of the time. We had a rough morning a few months back due to driving and navigation. I don't like driving a car in traffic. I find it frustrating and it puts me on edge. I have dealt with it by doing much of my travel on two wheels, first by bicycle, then motorcycle, and now back to bicycle. The problem is my spouse would also prefer not to drive which wouldn't be so bad, but they are bad at navigation and my general annoyance with driving turns into frustration with their poor navigation. So it came to a head one day. We spend most of the day apart from each other to cool down, had a long conversation, bought a phone mount, and made the rule that the driver has to handle their own navigation. It's working so far. I do wish they were more amenable to driving more.

  26. Do you want that drink or a French 75, because that is definitely not what is used to make a French 75?

  27. Private lessons, find a dance partner or small group to practice with and give each other feedback, get video of your dancing and critique yourself, ask someone you are comfortable with to give you feedback on a specific thing you are working on before you dance with them.

  28. Far less wait time and I still get char without heating up my kitchen, plus Hank Hill says it's better.

  29. I don't think history shows that. Pirate captains that had the trust of thier crew held the position for a long time. Of course crews were small and likely understood the situation better. Things change a lot when you go from a dozen people to hundreds of millions.

  30. This is essentially the system we have the U.S. Speaker of the House and Senate Majority Leader. And we are seeing the chaos that can ensue when a single individual or small group of selfish and willfully uninformed people can call for an election against the leader because they didn't get their way.

  31. This doesn't make you a hypocrite. Motorcycles are a trade-off between thrill and safety and each of those gets further weighted by personal circumstances. Young and single with no dependents is different from married with young kids. Riding has a positive impact on my mental health and allows me to process work stress before arriving home is different from going fast pumps me full of adrenaline which feels awesome. You can both be a rider and concerned about someone else getting into it.

  32. I would recommend not buying her a paddle but rather gifting her a consultation with a paddle seller that will allow her to try out a bunch of paddles and a "gift card" that you make for a set monetary amount for her to then spend on the paddle she likes.

  33. That's what it feels like to be a teacher these days. I don't know, maybe it's always been that way and I've just run out of patience for it...but the strategic incompetence sure seems more rampant.

  34. As someone who works with kids, I regularly just leave out the "the fuck" and tell them "Figure it out" when they tell me they don't know how to do something despite having the instructions sitting in front of them that they haven't looked at.

  35. The article referenced in that section is an observational study of over 100,000 people. The results were gathered through 6 month surveys. Studies on direct effects of sweeteners have found nothing.

  36. Feel free to first read the entire article and then go read all of the linked studies in the footnotes that they used to arrive at their conclusion. You are simply incorrect about there being no evidence.

  37. I am saying there is no evidence other than observational studies. I did look at the linked articles in the results section.

  38. First of all, you are now moving the goalpost from "no evidence" to "no evidence other than observational studies". Observational study evidence is still evidence.

  39. Honestly I take more balls from shanks off my partner’s and my own paddle more than any direct shot. I’ve had a couple off the net cord too, but never a direct hit from the other team. I think the shanks are what get people a lot more than direct hits as I’ve had this conversation with lots of people and usually it’s the same. Good practice though and I never play without them!

  40. Most of the face hits I have seen come from shanks off their own or their teammates paddle. 

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