
  1. On the Prime App play the episode, then select X-ray in the menu and bonus content. The One Ship episode should be there. It's an annoying way to do it.

  2. Holy crap that is a horrible way to do it. I've watched the series 5 times and never knew these existed.

  3. Because it wouldn't be under thrust the entire way. They've got too far to go for that. Just a little bit of acceleration at the beginning, a little bit of deceleration at the end, and a few hundred years of coasting in the middle.

  4. Our flag means death is good though. Funny pirates. Black sails is murderous pirates.

  5. At least you're not drinking. I'm the same age with the same problems but I started drinking a long time ago and now stopping is almost impossible.

  6. Many people seem to think they're better than everyone else often while doing 0 work on themselves.

  7. This is the conclusion I've come to for why my wife left me last year. 7 years together she couldn't hold a job because she would rather lay in bed all day watching Friends over and over. Never wanted to have sex. I was there to provide a paycheck and security and whenever I pointed out her lack of effort in the relationship I was "attacking" her and not being supportive. She thought she was always the smartest person in the room. I'm much happier now and going to be more picky with my next life partner.

  8. Watch In Frame Out on YouTube and their recent video might explain why you should like it

  9. The one that I love is her working out in space with her trainer and he's like "come on keep going"

  10. Great connection between Teresa and her father. Amos calling her angry, and her interaction with Elsa Singh (daughter of one of my favorite characters). Thanks.

  11. I'm not sure that I see Duarte as a "better version" of Marco Inaros. Duarte is a lot more competent, sure. But better? I don't see it.

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