
  1. Like Rings of Power? That made Peter Jackson's LotR seem much better by comparison...

  2. With the difference, that this movie will be directed by PJ.

  3. Hamburg als Umbar wäre passend: haben sich vor langer Zeit an Scholz/Barad-Dur verkauft. (+Hafenstadt)

  4. Hamburger Döner würde ich nicht als Döner bezeichnen (schon gar nicht bei Dammtor). gezeichnet: ein Hamburger.

  5. This happens like way to often to navi in recent times.. Start really hot with 5-6 rounds in a row, completely dominating, only to let loose. Yesterday after the monesy clutch, today inferno. Hope in Kato they can fix this. Still good showing, I think they can go proud into the break.

  6. And with that match ending: Navi ends the year in a higher avg. position reached in tournaments than G2. Additionally G2s streak of only reaching finals once in 6 months continues. Truly phenomenal and underlines why G2 deserves to be called 2nd best team of the year.

  7. G2 are in limbo, where they had massive success in kato and cologne, but simultanously massively underperformed. If you have this roster and struggle all year to even reach playoffs, I dont know if you count the year as a success.

  8. OpenAI: "Wir können euch die Weights für unser LLM doch nicht einfach so geben, klar, wir heissen 'Open'AI, aber die Sicherheit hat hier Vorrang gegenüber unserer Mission, AI allen zur Verfügung zu stellen. Bösartige Akteure könnten das doch nutzen um Unmengen Hetze ins Netz zu schaufeln"

  9. eher: hey wir haben mitlerweile viele Geschäftspartner, die unser Modell in ihre Systeme integriert haben. Wenn wir unser Modell komplett online stellen, erklären wir diese alle als Freiwild wenn es um IT-Security geht.

  10. Even government systems don't handle all the cases. Knew a person who had the middle and last name connected with a dash or something like "John Spicy-Doe" but the gov issued documents without the dash. Not because of a human error, but the system literally didn't allow inputting the name like that.

  11. "Spicy-Dough" sounds like a dope name tho.

  12. The freedom type is fckng hilarious tho. AI is based.

  13. Freedom type: freedom attacks are super effective (×4) against non-freedom types, but after a successful attack the victim pokemon changes its type to freedom, making attacks less effective (so basically one shot type pokemons).

  14. Fogheart can leap from balconies without fear

  15. "Don't worry guys. Next tournament will the super team of C9/Ex-Gambit show up. They are too good as individuals to not do it." -Analysts since Lan came back mid 2021 (nearly 2,5 years ago).

  16. tbf. he publicly apologized tho, saying he was wrong.

  17. Wille der Mehrheit hört auf wo die freiheitlich-demokratischen Grundrechte des Menschen anfangen.

  18. Und deine Grundrechte werden angegriffen, weil du Kindern in der Schule nicht das Gendern beibringen kannst?

  19. Musste erstmal nachgucken ob das schon DDR ist. Man weiß ja nie.

  20. Ja stimmt. Nazis gibts nur im Osten. Wenn sowas in Westdeutschland vorkommt sinds auch nur Ossis. So oder so erstmal die Rechten dem Osten zuschieben, denn: "Man weiß ja nie"🤷‍♂️

  21. Man kann anerkennen, dass das Problem im Osten signifikant größer ist, ohne den einzelnen Leuten Vorurteile entgegenzubringen.

  22. und vor 5 Jahren wurde unter anderem Brandenburg als rechtes Nest bei 18% AFD von z.B. Böhmermann betitelt, heute Normalität auch in Westdeutschland. Wie gesagt funktioniert super das "Problem" so anzuerkennen und Vorurteile werden da eh nur reininterpretiert von Verletzten Ossis. Ist sichtbar eine Erfolgsstrategie. /s

  23. I once tried watch those clips while taking acid. What an experience.

  24. Ansichtssache, trotzdem berichtet er über wichtige Themen und sein Team leistet häufig wichtige investigative Arbeit

  25. und sobald Sachen doch nicht stimmen wird sich weggeduckt. Frei nach: er ist ja nur Satiriker und kein Journalist.

  26. Die FDP könnte sich dafür einsetzen, diesen Müll wieder rauszuhauen, weil er das Land einbremst.

  27. zum abschafffen der Schuldenbremse benötigt es eine 2/3 Mehrheit. Heißt: ohne die CDU/CSU funktioniert das nicht mal. Ich würde das nicht zu sehr auf die FDP beschränken.

  28. Es könnte auch ohne CDU/CSU funktionieren. Die haben weniger als 1/3 der Sitze.

  29. Stimmt, dann müsste mans nur mit der AFD zsm. machen. Denke mal da hat niemand ein Problem mit, wenn man sich an den Aufschrei letztens in Thüringen erinnert. /s

  30. best advertisement that faceit could've wished for.

  31. probably poaching. There is information missing if this was indeed poaching, but considering the second hunden scandal which was primarily focused to damage heroic by the (Ex-) CEO of Astralis and hunden. This sounds oddly similiar to the situation (aka. initiate kick cadian - beforehand poach the 2 stars). The message of Astralis kicking 2 of their players also is now a few weeks/months old. I would guess this was when Astralis initially got a verbal agreement or smth. with jabbi and stavn.

  32. spread the sentiment of being anti-israel and pro palestine. Or in other words: Tik-Tok trends subconsiously pushing an anti west sentiment (similar to the pro russian videos at the beginning of the ukraine invasion). In other words CCP manipulating users by giving these trends and anti israel/west videos more traction.

  33. Everytime MOUZ adds a competitive rookie in their team, nourish them and bring their talents to stage, the FaZe management gets a little happy because their future talent is getting put through the paces and getting polished, ripe for picking.

  34. thats how mouz operate and stay fluid in esports tho. good scouting, big buyouts.

  35. Twistzz is mental, leaving faze and refusing 2 top projects just to join the Liquid clown fiesta

  36. naf, cadian, twistzz, yekindar, skullz with zews as a coach seems pretty great I think (even tho I am unsure for skullz; but I think the team seems to be sure of him, if the rumoured buyout truly was 600k).

  37. Wasn’t there a timer that Twistz denied Falcon’s offer. May it was that “things circulating” and not his actual transfer. But that was an interesting comment by him

  38. Striker said in the latest hltv confirmed that flacons didn't even approach these players (twistz, niko, monesy). so that rumour is wrong.

  39. S1mple imo really ain't that great. Any matches I catch I never really see him perform in any great manner.

  40. Remember when people doubted the jL signing? It's crazy how consistent he is and how much he steps up. iM on the other hand, idk. -iM + frozen, personally.

  41. would have loved +xantares, if they change iM. But honestly I am fine with him staying considering how they played at pro league and that this is the very first cs2 tournament.

  42. Don't want to overreact, but YNK said (in the newest talking counter episode) there are crazy roster moves going to happen. Ones that no one will see coming. Simple missing without an explanation seems a bit fishy ngl.

  43. if the rumours are true, most likely niko and monesy to falcons. But this would leave G2 with a missing awp, just saying.

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