
  1. Is the hedge maze off center from the tower.......

  2. How about, they just add in Ao Shin like they originally planned before they turned him into tft scrap.

  3. I have one question, who thought those Stanley bottles looked good??

  4. Remember, when tank meta happens, build tank on everyone. Just for fun.

  5. You know how many junglers other than shaco can do this?

  6. None of the best buys around be ever do the promos

  7. I still play lawnmower vayne here and there. It's still pretty good, though not near as good as it was with guinsoos before it was a mythic.

  8. I love the matte finish on these so much. Absolutely stunning math rocks.

  9. I didnt think I'd like the bluepink as much as I do. But looking at the picture it looks so pretty. It would go very well with my cherry blossom mousepad.

  10. I feel like they got downgraded from their original looks.

  11. Me waiting for spear to get removed from the game again

  12. I'm very confused as to how you decided these tiers. I understand that the "no pp" is all female characters, but then why are neeko, yuumi, soraka, and seraphine in the tier list? Seraphine is literally JUST A GIRL. So she's in no pp.

  13. What do you mean sad? I have an unmbreon star in probably worse condition than this. But I wouldn't call it sad. It's a gorgeous card.

  14. You know you've won an argument when the other person stops arguing the point and goes for personal attacks.

  15. Just because you don't see us doesn't mean we don't exist. We don't have as large of a pool of people maining kindred as other champs do. The pick rate spikes when she's buffed because then other people play kindred. We do the same thing and play kindred through thick and thin like you do. Though you're too proud to notice that.

  16. This is VERY nitpicky, but why is there an axe in the building toolbar when all the items there are stone?

  17. I would be so sad, yet so excited, to pull that miscut umbreon.

  18. This is something I could only dream of completing. I want to complete a base set, I can't imagine trying to complete a first edition base set. They're absolutely beautiful though.

  19. Don't you mean "what to build on rhaast?" Since everyone just builds it on both of them

  20. My favorite is teemo jungle. Because having shrooms everywhere in the game early is lovely.

  21. I have a question. I have never bought them, but how do people feel about the like 20 pack of cards that are just open and in a plastic case?

  22. At least he was still 125. I'm pretty sure when teemo comes back finally he's gonna be 150. And I dont have enough for it.

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