
  1. Vampirates Norsca Kislev Chaos dwarfs Beastmen Lizardmen Skaven Dark elves Wood elves Brrtonnia Dwarfs

  2. I had no issue swapping the Duke helm for another. However, the Baron body will not easily taketo other heads because of the fur cape.

  3. Thorgrim before Karl too. How can I do anything else when the Realms are there to be Retaken

  4. Cry me a river and just read some novels about Malekith to learn some actual lore.

  5. Novels are malekith flapping shit, sorry I wasted time on it. Why should l cry. Just read 4/5 th editions and see where you have nade severe logical mistakes. Then cry if you like it.

  6. You havent even read 4th or 5th or you would know that elven gods entering the moral world has always been the lore.

  7. I ve read. They do project awatars but these awatars are not the gods themselves. Oreon is not all Kurnous, Everqueens and Ariel are not Isha and greater daemons are not the chaos gods themselves. That is my point. So all end of times crap with gods walking themselves is total raping of the lore

  8. I probably misread it but I thought I saw in an errata that opponent has to choose if he uses dragons armour or Lords armour.

  9. demons of chaos don't really need dlc. the only missing demonic unit is the pleasureseekers and they will very likely be added with the slaanesh dlc. all named daemons are also gonna be included in the monogod dlc as well leaving nothing for a potential DoC dlc.

  10. Karl Franz and Thorgrim. I wanted Helborg/Yodbringer for Empire and either Burlok and Grim ot Bugman and Grim.

  11. Ah! A fellow Gondorian too! I had a full Minas Tirith army and small Dol Amorth contingent! Loved the knights and pikemen!

  12. Another army I always wanted, the Last alliance! No one can say no to Numenoreans and Noldor / Eriador!

  13. How do you think. Dwarf, dark elves and remants of empire from cities of sigmar. They ll go to legends or stay next edition? Are they worth their points in the current edition or weak and useless?

  14. I think if they can be used in the Old World game, they aren't safe. My Beastmen army already got cut... I would just think about that before spending money on any models. But as long as you have the models already... may as well use them! Can't speak on the balance as I don't have the battletome though.

  15. If you look at the lore, especially 5t edition there was ideal structure. Nice errands could not use any heraldic blazers only geometrical figures. That means that they could not use crest on helms I mean different heraldic animals. Nights of the realm got right to use more complex herald gym including any symbols but not Fleur de lyss and Grail. Twisting nights and grill nights usually completely change d their heraldry or made it more complex. So question nights good rights to use Fleur de lyss and any previous heraldry. Fleur de lyss was dymbol of their dedication on the quest. Grail Knights got right to ose grail and any heraldic symbols. Hope it will help.

  16. No all is good. Big box is useless lf you do not want to play infantry army, best of them is exiles list. Too many peasants in it better to buy units you need separately.

  17. Does anyone know if I need to buy Warhammer I to be able to use the new Empire person or Malakai Makaisson since I don’t have either of those races unlocked?

  18. Ah I've been looking for those sculpts! They seem to go only for ridiculous prices these days - well jealous you managed to find some :)

  19. I m collecting from 1994. Now prices on Ebay are mad and there is no guarantee even if you buy a blister its not a recast. Most reasonable price is if you are really lucky or know a proper recaster - life is harsh(

  20. Why people ignore easy reskins CA loves to do. Let me imagine. LL Egrim. LH or FLC LL Galrauch. No heroes - DLC format changes and we do not know how but I think it ll go to less contrnt.

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