
  1. If you want a mechanic more nuanced than advantage/disadvantage, 3.5E is better. If you don’t want to do math, 5E is better. Power creep in 3.5E can be controlled by limiting source material. I’ve played 5E almost exclusively for the past several years and rightly or wrongly I’m starting to feel like I’ve run out of new things to try. Still going to play it, though, because that’s what my friends play.

  2. Fair enough. I’d probably play Pathfinder over 3.5 tbh

  3. I still have disadvantage to hit an invisible person even if I have an ability that means I can see them.

  4. And on a related note of stupidity, shooting someone with a crossbow who is 5’ away from you is the same degree of difficulty whether or not you can see them.

  5. People really aren't pissed off enough on how much MBA's have fucked over the games they enjoy, these straight out of cookie cutter business class bottom feeders have done so much damage to everything not just gaming. 

  6. Which only applies to projects that are late, and does allow for increased productivity by adding more workers after an initial ramp up time. So they're right in the sense that they're wrong.

  7. I don’t think we’re disagreeing; I was referring to short-term boosts in productivity and you seem to be talking about long-term team expansion (judging by the acknowledgment of the need to ramp up).

  8. Well it says 2017 on it. I’d guess it’s changed since some of the states now how recreational marijuana.

  9. Nonsense! Not much has happened since 2017. /s

  10. Carrie White. I'll just be really nice to her. Like a gentleman. Take her to a nice restaurant, go see a movie or go to the carnival. Avoid proms and buckets of pig blood

  11. If you’re low level and don’t have upgrades, maybe don’t start a thread talking about something you haven’t experienced. Just sayin’. Actually, even if you did, a thread like this is pretty pointless and you could have easily found a dozen others you could have commented on instead.

  12. Alright alright alright, let's see what we've got:


  14. Reese’s Chocolate-Covered Frozen Banana Slices

  15. Found the parents who watch Fox News

  16. Dude. Tesla makes the best cars you can buy. They lead the electric car industry, and always will. Tesla today = fORD in 1920. fORD today = horses in 1920.

  17. Teslas are so great, I never want them to stop—so I bought a cybertruck

  18. It's also possible that it leads to an interesting sidestory the players would never come across otherwise, I don't see your point.

  19. So fun to play with people with MC Syndrome. /s

  20. The man's nickname has been the Teflon Don since the 1980s. 7D connect 4.

  21. That was John Gotti. Whom I’m sure Trump would love to be compared to.

  22. I have both consoles and I’ll say this for the XSX: it has controllers less prone to breaking, a service in Game Pass that I enjoy far more than PS+, and just as solid performance. But the PS5 is white and has a curvy form factor so the XSX is objectively trash. /s

  23. This would be awesome if it was part of a clan system

  24. Clans? There’s only one clan: Super Earth

  25. There are four hellpod tubes so that’s obviously the optimal number for protecting managed democracy. Are you suggesting the super destroyers may have been designed incorrectly, citizen?

  26. I mean they're painting with too broad a brush but the number of times I've had to listen to every breath and controller vibration over open mic is indeed many. I don't know who at Sony had the bright idea to put a microphone in the controller, but I dislike that person and suspect they enjoy listening to 10 hour chewing sounds videos on YouTube. 

  27. You can set it to default to mute in the PS5 system options

  28. I'm aware that you can, I'm talking about those who don't and what the experience is like for everyone else, because I doubt they're doing so maliciously.

  29. True. And I’m guessing those that don’t have it set that way won’t read my comment anyway

  30. Or it's a chance for him to step up and keep up with the progress he's been making. It's a big moment and he's looking for support. I didn't look at his mental health, but so the fuck what? He asked for support about that too. Obviously it's a good idea to get back on medication. It'd be good advice to also say, instead of calling this a hypothetical train wreck. Hey though, my glass is half full. I was able to turn my life around, so I believe others can too. Coming from the right space.

  31. He’s not going to stay clean under this kind of stress without mental health treatment. People can absolutely turn their lives around but nobody should have sole care of a six month old child only four months clean with untreated bi-polar disorder. I would not have thought this a controversial position. The fact he’s thinking of cutting his only source of support out of his life is indicative of irrational thinking and does not bode well.

  32. Also, ONLY 4 months clean? That's impressive, not something to downplay

  33. It’s a good start. Relapse rates are very high for pretty much any drug addiction within the first year.

  34. Agree. Many people don’t realize that killing anyone—even a piece of shit like this guy—can result in devastating trauma regardless of the fact it was completely justified.

  35. No new stratagems. I was hoping at least the anti armor mines and the new defense walls for the new mission type would be done with.

  36. Since when do stratagems come in war bonds?

  37. No game has ever scratched my "run off and explore" itch like Fallout 3 and New Vegas did. Not even Fallout 4 but it's close. There is just nothing like exploring and finding random crap and shooting random crap with the old timey radio music playing in the background like that. Fallout 3 is around Washington, D.C. too, so some of the landmarks are super interesting to run across.

  38. Did you want to set the world on fire?

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